“For Such A Time As This”
by Pastor Mark
August 01, 2019
The call to serve
One aspect of the calling of the Lord is the call to serve. When I was responding to the Lord’s call to enter into the full-time ministry, there were a few passages in the Scriptures that became my inspiration to move on to higher ground, to give my life to the Lord’s service. I would like to recall some of these significant passages. Let us be encouraged by the Lord and His Word to rise to the challenge of serving Him more significantly.
The example of Esther
One person that became my inspiration was Queen Esther. Mordecai gave her a dangerous task. (Esther 4) He had found out that Haman was plotting against the Jews and managed to deceive the king into declaring a decree that all Jews were to be destroyed. Mordecai sent word to Esther that she should go to the king and plead with him for all the Jews. However, there was a problem that Esther had to overcome. Everyone knew that no one should come before the king unless she was called for. (Esther 4:11) The law stated that if anyone were to go before the king if she was not called for, she would be executed. Only when the king lifts his golden sceptre for that person, she would live. Esther would be putting her life in danger in going before the king when he had not called her.
An inspiring word of exhortation
The response of Mordecai was to give to Esther an inspirational word of exhortation.
1. The life of Esther was already at risk
“And Mordecai told them to answer Esther: “Do not think in your heart that you will escape in the king’s palace any more than all the other Jews.” (Esther 4:13)
Esther was concerned about going before the king as she feared that she might be executed. However, Mordecai spoke frankly to her. Even if she did not do anything, her life as a Jew was also in danger. She would not be able to hide in the palace.
2. God would raise others
“For if you remain completely silent at this time, relief and deliverance will arise for the Jews from another place, but you and your father’s house will perish.” (Esther 4:14)
The Lord is not dependent on one person. If Esther chose not to respond, God could raise others…to bring relief and deliverance to the Jews. God would protect His people through other servants who would answer the call. Esther would miss out on doing her part.
3. The divine purpose of God
“Yet who knows whether you have come to the kingdom for such a time as this?” (Esther 4:15)
The Lord had divinely led Esther to where she was. She was blessed and given the opportunity to become the queen. God had placed her there for a purpose. Mordecai was able to see her destiny and said that she may have been brought to the kingdom “for such a time as this”. It was her time to rise and to do something that would bring about the deliverance of the Jews. The challenge was for Esther to step up and to risk her life to approach the king.
The inspiration to serve
The words of Mordecai truly inspired Esther. She asked the people to fast for her. She was challenged to go before the king even if there was the danger of being executed. Esther was able to accept the danger with these words, “If I perish, I perish”. Let us be challenged by the example of Esther not to be hindered by our fears. Let us be inspired to serve the Lord, understanding that He has led us to where we are for such a time as this.
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