Grace…One Year On

by Pastor Mark
March 06, 2015

Grace Works Week 49 Banner

It has been one year

Family Camp 2015 is just around the corner. Many of us are excited about coming for this year’s camp. We are all looking forward to learning new lessons and being blessed by the Lord’s Word.

As I reflect, I recognize that it has been almost a year since we learned about the grace of God at last year’s family camp. There were many good lessons learned from the life of the Apostle Paul. Yet as we think about it…how much of what we learned at the camp continues to impact our lives? Do we still remember what we learned from the camp?

Revisiting thoughts about the grace of God

I thought it would be nice to revisit something that I learned at the family camp. One of the key thoughts that I remember from the family camp was how the grace of God should not be taken in vain. The Apostle wrote “But by the grace of God I am what I am, and His grace toward me was not in vain; but I laboured more abundantly than they all, yet not I, but the grace of God which was with me.” (1 Corinthian 15:10)

I still remember being challenged by what Pastor taught us…that we should not take the grace of God in vain. We learned at the camp how the grace was abundantly given to us in so many ways. Whether it was with regards to sin or strength to cope with life, God’s grace had been specially given to us. I was deeply challenged not to allow the grace of God to be in vain. I wanted to labour more abundantly. As a response, I started to write “Grace Works”.

The inspiration for “Grace Works” 

Through what I learned at the camp about the grace of God, I was inspired by grace to do more…to write “Grace Works.” I was inspired to action. I did not want the grace of God given to me to be taken for granted…to be in vain. It is now almost one year since I began writing “Grace Works”. I am thankful that I do a little bit more for the Lord’s work…for the ministry of our young adults.

Thank God for His grace

It has been a joy writing to you each week. I thank God for His grace…to sustain me in the writing of “Grace Works” for this past year. I must admit that writing is not easy. But I write from my heart and it is truly the Lord’s grace that grants me joy and strength to write each week. I thank God for each one of you who would take the trouble to read what I’ve written. I hope that “Grace Works” has in one way or another brought some encouragement to your heart.

Looking forward to learning and doing more 

As we prepare our hearts for the Family Camp, we are going to learn further deep lessons concerning being “more than conquerors.” We look forward to being challenged, rebuked, and inspired all over  again  Let us be challenged to grow our faith that much more…seeking to do something more for the Lord in the year ahead.

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