Humbling Ourselves Before God
by Pastor Mark
October 20, 2022
Praying to God
Prayer is an undeserved privilege that God has graciously given to us, and it is through the loving work of Christ that we have this incredible access to God. But there is always the genuine danger that we may take this special privilege for granted and assume that we have the right approach to God. It is wise, appropriate and expedient to check our spirit candidly as we pray to God.
The problem of self-righteousness
- The Lord Jesus taught through a parable to address the problem of self-righteousness.
“Also He spoke this parable to some who trusted in themselves that they were righteous, and despised others:” (Luke 18:9)
- Self-righteousness is a deadly sin that causes us to trust in ourselves, our “righteousness”.
- There is an air of conceited pride and arrogance which leads us to despise others.
- In the parable, the Lord Jesus described a Pharisee as having self-righteousness as he prays.
- He comes confidently before God and presents his righteous life to Him (Luke 18:12).
- He fasts ritualistically twice a week.
- He gives tithes diligently of all he possesses.
- The Pharisee feels justifiably proud of his ways and exalts himself above others.
- He looks down on the tax collector and others who are sinners (Luke 18:11).
- But the Lord examined him and did not justify him as he had such a prideful spirit.
The spirit of humility
- In contrast, there is the humble tax collector.
- In those days, a tax collector was someone who collected taxes on behalf of the Roman government.
- But he would cunningly abuse the system by collecting more for himself.
- He was considered to be unscrupulous and deceptive.
- In the parable, however, the tax collector is fully conscious of his sinfulness as he approaches God.
- He humbles himself before Him and demonstrates a true heart of repentance (Luke 18:13).
- He is tentative, standing far off and feeling undeserving to come before God.
- The tax collector did not feel worthy to even look up to Him, expressing great reverence.
- He beats his breast in sorrow and pain for his sinfulness.
- He acknowledges to God that he is a sinner, having lived a life of evil.
- The tax collector seeks God for His great mercy, for there is nothing else he can plead with.
- He reflects a broken and contrite spirit, something that the Lord delights in.
- The Lord examined and justified the tax collector for having a truly humble spirit.
The challenge to be humble
“For everyone who exalts himself will be humbled, and he who humbles himself will be exalted.” (Luke 18:14)
- The Lord taught this important principle as a lesson to all, especially to the Pharisees.
- They should learn not to exalt themselves before God, being proud and arrogant.
- On the one hand, God hates the spirit of pride and self-righteousness.
- The Lord will humble those who exalt themselves.
- On the other hand, the Lord is pleased with those who humble themselves.
- They see themselves as nothing, totally unworthy to come before the Lord.
- The Lord desires, honours and exalts those who are humble in prayer.
Let us be challenged to cultivate a genuinely humble spirit as we approach God in prayer.
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