Identifying With Each Other In The Body Of Christ
by Pastor Mark
February 08, 2018
The different members that make up the body of Christ
“The body of Christ” is a beautiful picture of what the church is. The Apostle Paul wrote, “But now indeed there are many members, yet one body.” (1 Cor 12:20) The church is made of many different people. There are some who are strong and some who are weak. But they are all part of the body of Christ. For the body of Christ to function, we need every part.
Paul wrote further, “But God composed the body, having given greater honour to that part which lacks it,” (1 Cor 12:24) The Greek word for “compose” is “sugkerannumi” which means “to mix together”. In having both the strong and the weak, God composed or mixed them together to form the church. The ones who are weak are not to be despised by the strong. The Lord designed the body of Christ that the strong is meant to honour or to give regard to those who are weak.
The purpose of the body of Christ
“that there should be no schism in the body,” (1 Cor 12:25)
There is the use of the Greek word “hina” which indicates “purpose”. The body of Christ was specially designed purposefully. The Greek word “schisma” is where we get the English word “schism” which means division. There should not be any schism in the body of Christ. The purpose of the body of Christ is to have unity in diversity. We are all part of the body of Christ and should have a greater sense of oneness with each other.
The challenge to have the same love and care for each other
“but that the members should have the same care for one another.” (1 Cor 12:25)
One special thing about being in the body of Christ is the special love from the Lord that we can share with each other. We should learn to care for each other. If we are stronger than others, we should learn to care for those who are weak. Let us be challenged to show the same care for one another.
Identifying with each other
There are two ways in which we can practical apply this care for others.
1. Suffering with each other
“And if one member suffers, all the members suffer with it;” (1 Cor 12:26)
We show care by identifying with those who are suffering. As people go through suffering such as sickness or bereavement, we learn to suffer alongside. For instance, when we have a funeral wake, let us be challenged to be there at the wake for the bereaved family. Let us be challenged to care for and to suffer with by identifying with those who are suffering.
2. Rejoicing with each other
“or if one member is honoured, all the members rejoice with it.” (1 Cor 12:26)
Let us also learn to rejoice with those who are honoured. When someone is being given due honour or commendation, we should not have to feel envy and wanting to compete with the person. Let us show love for them by rejoicing with them and to share in their joy.
This is what we want to learn in identifying with each other. Let us learn to feel for others whether in times of joy or sorrow. Let us be challenged to appreciate the unity of oneness that we can cultivate as a YAG and being part of Bethany. Let us be challenged to love and care for other each other as the body of Christ.
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