Look Up To God For A Higher Outlook Of Life

by Pastor Mark
May 07, 2014

Grace Works Week 6 Banner

Times of feeling overwhelmed

Life is tough. We often discover this when we enter into the school of hard knocks. We face trials at work, struggles at home and problems with relationships. These difficulties can at times cause us to feel overwhelmed, especially when they all come at the same time.

King David faced overwhelming realities such as wars, enemies and all the challenges of being king. (Psalm 61:2) But he learned to rise above these challenges by looking up.

1. Look up to God in prayer

“Hear my cry, O God; attend to my prayer. From the end of the earth I will cry to You,” (Psalm 61:1) David always prayed in the midst of challenges. He looked up to God and cried out to Him. When he felt like he was at the end of earth, he looked up to God knowing that He will help. Let us be challenged to cry out to God with our burdens.

2. Look up to God for a higher plane of perspective

“When my heart is overwhelmed; lead me to the rock that is higher than I.” (Psalm 61:2)

David pleaded for God to lead him to the rock that is higher than him. When we are down, we may feel depressed and in despair …which may cause us to feel overwhelmed. But God can lift us up to a higher rock… that we can attain a higher plane of thought and outlook. This higher perspective always involves focusing our thoughts on God.

3. Look up to God’s protection

“For You have been a shelter for me, a strong tower from the enemy. I will abide in Your tabernacle forever; I will trust in the shelter of Your wings.” (Psalm 61:3,4) David’s focus was to look up to God as his shelter…to seek His protection.

a. He is our strong tower

David looked to God as his strong tower no matter how strong or how great the enemy was. Let us pray to God to be our tower that is stronger than any of our challenges.

b. He is our tabernacle

David saw the tabernacle as a sanctuary… a place of refuge. We can look to God and to abide in Him as our sacred and secure refuge.

c. He gives shelter under His wings

We can also find protection under the wings of God. Let us have absolute trust in His keeping and protection

Let’s be challenged to look up to God for a higher outlook in life.

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