“Love The Brotherhood”
by Pastor Mark
August 25, 2016
Continue in brotherly love
Last Saturday, we were challenged by the author of Hebrews, “Let brotherly love continue.” (Heb 13:1) The word “brotherly love” in Greek is where you get the English name “Philadelphia” which means “love for the brother.” The use of the Greek present imperative tense indicates the challenge for brotherly love to continue. It should not cease…but must persist in all circumstances. We recognise that it is not easy to love one another as a church. Let us seek to continue to cultivate this brotherly love.
The challenge to love the brotherhood
The Apostle Peter explains this idea about loving the brotherhood, “Honor all people. Love the brotherhood. Fear God. Honor the king.” (1 Peter 2:17) What does it mean to have a brotherhood? The Greek word for brotherhood is “adelphotés” which means “brethren”. We should see ourselves as brethren…as part of a spiritual family. The challenge is given for us to love the brotherhood.
Relationship differentiated
Peter makes some differentiation between relating with the brotherhood and with others.
- Honor man… In relation to all people, we are to honour them.
- Honor the king…With regards to those in authority, we are to honour them also.
- Fear God… In our relationship with God, we are to fear Him.
- Love the brotherhood… In relation to the brotherhood, we are to love them. This love is something that is special and distinct. Let us be challenged to make these differentiations as we relate with each one.
Reasons for the focus on loving the brethren
1. God as our Father
We have God as our heavenly Father who is the Head of the family. We are part of the spiritual family of God. Our challenge is to fear God and to love those who are in His family.
2. Brethren
It is indeed such a joy to be called brethren. Through the salvation that the Lord Jesus has given to us, He made it possible for us to be brethren. The Lord Jesus calls us “brethren”. (Heb 2:11) We are part of the church of the firstborn. (Heb 12:23) As brethren, let us learn to love the brotherhood.
3. Command to love
The Lord commands us to love the brotherhood. The word “love” is written in the present imperative. This is a command to love the brethren. We are compelled to love the brotherhood. Let us be challenged to obey.
4. Challenged by examples
Peter sets for us an example of how we should love the brotherhood. We have many examples in Bethany. This is demonstrated by the pastoral team, the leaders and many other brethren who love the brotherhood of Bethany. We seek to do all we can for the sake of the brotherhood. As we celebrate our 40 + 3 Anniversary, let us be challenged to truly appreciate our brotherhood and to love the brethren always.
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