Oneness In Reaching Out
by Pastor Mark
February 22, 2018
An opportunity to share our faith
This Saturday, we will be having our Lunar New Year special. This is another opportunity for us to reach out to those who still do not believe in the Lord Jesus. It is an opportunity for us to be a blessing to our loved ones and friends as we seek to minister to them through the different parts of this special programme. There are many people involved in the ministry of reaching out. There are different roles to be played. How should understand these roles? Should we emphasise one role above another?
The Apostle Paul gave to the Corinthian church a proper perspective of ministry as they struggled with carnality and in taking side as followers of different leaders. (1 Cor 3:4)
A proper understanding of our part in the ministry of reaching out
1. Understanding our part
a. We are but ministers
“Who then is Paul, and who is Apollos, but ministers through whom you believed,” (1 Cor 3:5)
The word “minister” in Greek is “diakonos” which means “a servant…someone who serves at tables”. Even though Paul was a great apostle and Apollos was a gifted speaker, they were but servants. They were just doing their humble part.
b. Each of us has a part to play but yet our part is really nothing
“I planted, Apollos watered,…So then neither he who plants is anything, nor he who waters,” (1 Cor 3:6,7)
Paul and Apollos each had a part to play. Paul did the work of planting the seeds of faith. Apollos did the watering of the seed. But both pieces of work were considered nothing compared to the work that God did.
2. Understanding the part of God
a. God gives the grace for someone to believe
“as the Lord gave to each one?” (1 Cor 3:5)
Paul’s focus was on God and His work. He was the One who has the most important part…to give the grace for someone to believe in Christ. Without His grace, no one would be able to come to believe.
b. He gives the increase
“but God gave the increase.” (1 Cor 3:6)
“but God who gives the increase.” (1 Cor 3:7)
It is God who gives the increase…to bring about fruition of the seed that has been planted. As He gave the increase to the church in the past, He will continue to do so (use of the present tense). This increase cannot come from anyone except the Lord.
Oneness in reaching out
“Now he who plants and he who waters are one, and each one will receive his own reward according to his own labour.” (1 Cor 3:8)
We are all a team in the work of reaching out. Whether we plant the seed or water it, we are part of the same team. There should be a greater sense of oneness as we reach out. Let us be challenged to have this oneness as we work collectively as a church…Team Bethany in reaching out to the lost.
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