Seeing The Glory Of God In Easter
by Pastor Mark
April 20, 2017
Reflections of Easter
Last weekend was indeed a glorious time of Easter celebrations. We thank God for all the different services that we had and for all the new people who came for especially the Easter concerts and the Easter Sunday Service.
It was a wonderful time for us to reach out to the many people who came. They were able to catch a greater glimpse of the Easter story. We hope that some will received salvation through the grace of our Lord Jesus.
Seeing the glory to God
As I reflected on Easter, I could not but see the glory of God. In what ways was I able to see the glory of God?
1. The glory of being one
“And the glory which You gave Me I have given them, that they may be one just as We are one:” (John 17:22)
When we are able to be one as a church, we reflect the glory of God as He and the Lord Jesus did as one.
Through the Easter concerts, we were able to demonstrate a sense of oneness in working together to ensure the success of the concerts. This is possible because we have the same spirit of faith.
We received many good feedback concerning how so many of us were able to work together as one. Let us thank God that He can be glorified through the spirit of oneness in Bethany.
2. The glory of the cross
“Glorify Your Son, that Your Son also may glorify You,” (John 17:1)
The death of the Lord Jesus on the cross was one that was truly glorious. It was the Lord Jesus who prayed to His Father to glorify Him through His suffering and crucifixion on the cross. Through His glorification, the Father was also glorified.
When we saw the scene of the Lord Jesus hanging on the cross in the Easter concert, He was being was lifted up and glorified. All of us caught a glimpse of the glory of God.
3. The glory of the resurrection
When Jesus rose from the dead, He conquered death. He became our glorious and victorious King. The resurrection of Christ is something that is truly glorious.
At the Easter Worship, we had a glorious time of giving praise and honour to our great Messiah and King.
Pastor Charles gave a glorious word concerning “things that accompany salvation.” (Heb 6:9) It was wonderful to learn that these things should be real and personal to us…that evidence our salvation. Whether it is labouring in love or ministering to the saints, these things will show that we have salvation. Let us be challenged to reflect this glorious salvation in our life.
Let us give thanks and to stand in awe of the glory of God that was revealed at Easter.
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