Seek Those Things Which Are Above
by Pastor Mark
April 07, 2022
Raised with Christ
This Sunday will be an exciting time for some of our brethren seeking baptism as they take the step of identifying with Christ. Yet, how is this step related to the kingdom of God? The Apostle Paul gives us some insights in his letter to the Colossian church. He wrote, “If then you were raised with Christ.” (Colossians 3:1) The wonderful concept of being raised with Christ has multiple aspects.
It represents faith in the Lord Jesus. It also represents our identification with the Lord Jesus in His death, resurrection, and exaltation which is experienced in baptism (Colossians 2:12). Being raised with Christ also implies that we are part of Him and part of God’s kingdom. Not only are we graciously granted entrance into His kingdom, but we also joyfully experience the blessings of being in it. If we are truly raised with Christ, then certain ramifications in our lives should result.
What are some of these ramifications?
1. Seek the things which are above
“Seek those things which are above, where Christ is, sitting at the right hand of God.” (Colossians 3:1)
a. One natural response would be to seek the things which are above.
b. The things above are a reference to the things in the heavenly kingdom.
i. Heavenly things that are spiritual, glorious, and precious
ii. Eternal treasures that last forever
c. Heaven is where the Lord Jesus dwells, sitting at the right hand of God.
d. He is sitting on His throne in all power and glory.
e. Our faith should cause us to always look up to the Lord Jesus.
f. Let us be challenged to seek these heavenly things continually.
2. Set your mind on things above
“Set your mind on things above, not on things on the earth.” (Colossians 3:2)
a. Not only should we seek the things above, but also to set our minds on them.
b. The challenge is to seek first and then to fix our mindset on heavenly things.
c. These things should affect the way we think.
d. The mindset of the world tends to influence our thinking.
e. No longer should we allow worldly thoughts to distract.
f. We must make a clear choice to consistently focus on the things of the heavenly kingdom.
g. Let us be challenged to set our mind on the glorious, spiritual, and heavenly treasures above.
Discovering God’s hidden plan
“For you died, and your life is hidden with Christ in God.” (Colossians 3:3)
What is the result of seeking and setting our minds on things above? As we identify with Christ having died with Him, God will reveal things that have been hidden in Him. God has a special plan for us to discover so that we may realise our potential. He has given us a spiritual gift to serve Him, and our challenge is to understand what it is and to employ it to serve Him.
If we were to seek and set our minds on things above, the Lord would reveal in His hidden plan…how we should live our life. We would be able to live our lives significantly…fulfilling God’s divine plan in our service for Him. Let us be challenged to discover and fulfil our part in the Lord’s kingdom and to serve Him faithfully to the end.
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