Standing As Part Of Bethany
August 27, 2020
A blessed and happy 40 + 7 Anniversary
As we celebrate our 40 + 7 Anniversary this Sunday, there are many things that we can bless God for. Bethany has been greatly blessed as a church over the years. It is special to see the many distinctives that define what Bethany is, and we do not want to take them for granted. They are blessings that we should always be grateful for, especially during this time. Though this anniversary celebration is unlike our previous anniversaries due to the COVID-19 crisis, we still have every reason to rejoice and to give thanks to the Lord.
I count it a joy and privilege to stand as one who has been part of Bethany all these years. There is no other place that I would rather be and to serve in. Let me highlight a few distinct things about Bethany that are my reasons to reaffirm my commitment to Bethany.
1. Standing with our leaders
As we experienced our first virtual ACM last Sunday, we enter a new phase in the history of Bethany as we see a change of leadership. We thank God for faithful and dedicated servants of the previous Session who were instrumental in building up Bethany through the Lord’s leading and grace to what it is today. As a new set of leaders rise to serve, we look ahead to Pastor Charles training and guiding them for the future of Bethany. There is much hope in God as we look to Him to continue to lead us and the next generation. Let us be challenged to stand with our leaders as we enter Bethany’s 48th year of ministry.
2/ Standing firm on the foundation of Christ and His Word
One key thing that will always be emphasised in Bethany is what we have established as the foundation of the church. Christ will always be our cornerstone. (1 Peter 2:6) The Word of Christ will always be our foundation. (Matt 7:24) In all our ministries, we have consistently emphasised a high regard for the Word of God. It has been the means by which we have grown as a church over the years. Let us be challenged to stand firm on the Word of the Lord.
3. Standing together as one
“endeavouring to keep the unity of the Spirit in the bond of peace.” (Eph 4:3)
As we observed the ACM, oneness among our brethren is something that continues to be maintained. Even though we have not been able to see each other in person for over six months, the tremendous support from each one was evident. It is through the unity of the Spirit of God working in our lives that we can continue to relate in the bond of peace. Let us be challenged to continue to stand together as one.
4. Standing out as a light to others
“Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works and glorify your Father in heaven.” (Matt 5:16)
It is most moving to see how brethren continue to give towards the Lord’s work sacrificially that we may seek to be a light to the world. Many brethren overseas are hurting due to the COVID-19 crisis in their countries. We continue to do what we can to support those who are in need. Let us be challenged to stand out as a light to the world through our good works.
Standing in awe of the Lord
Let us stand in awe of the Lord for all that we have been blessed with. Let us look forward to exciting times ahead as we venture into our 48th year of ministry. Let us ensure that the distinctives of Bethany will never change…things that we will always hold on to.
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