Thank God For Singapore
by Pastor Mark
August 05, 2021
Celebrating our 56th National Day
In a few days’ time, we will be celebrating Singapore’s 56th National Day. I would like to wish everyone, “Happy National Day!” It has been a challenging year for all of us in Singapore. Dealing with the adverse effects of the COVID-19 virus for another year has not been easy. The government’s plans to open up have been sputtering due to the occasional spikes in the spread of the virus. It has also affected the restarting of our onsite worship services in Bethany. The impact of the government’s safety measures on our lives continues to be real and challenging.
Nevertheless, there is much for us to be thankful to God for as a country. What are some of my thoughts as I celebrate National Day this year?
The mercy and grace of God
As we look back over the years and remember how we started as a small country, we cannot but see the mercy and grace of God in developing our country to what it is today. We recognise how easy we could have faltered and failed as a nation. God’s grace and mercy have been evidenced throughout these 56 years in watching over us and blessing our country.
Even now, as we continue to fight against this pandemic, we recognise our need for grace and mercy. Let us be thankful to God for keeping us as a country in more ways than one. Without His mercies, we would not have been delivered and protected from this virus. Let us continue to approach the glorious throne of God’s grace and to seek His mercy and grace in this time of great need (Heb 4:16).
The need for wisdom
“By me kings reign, and rulers decree justice. By me princes rule, and nobles, all the judges of the earth.” (Prov 8:15,16)
King Solomon wrote concerning the wisdom that a nation needs. As king, he would have recognised its vital importance. Who are the ones who need wisdom? All those who are leaders would need wisdom. They require wisdom to rule and to judge. We thank God for our founding leaders who had the wisdom to lead Singapore and build it to what it is today, from a third-world country to a first-world country. In this current crisis, our present leaders will need more wisdom to lead us through this pandemic and develop our country in the future. While we may not be a perfect society, we thank God for the wisdom of our leaders in leading our country. Let us continue to pray that God would give our leaders wisdom and insights to guide us well.
Remembering those who are hurting
As we celebrate and thank God for our nation’s successes, we also want to take time to consider the poor, “Blessed is he who considers the poor.” (Ps 41:1) David specially remembered those who were poor in his nation. It would be our blessing to take the time to remember those who are poor or have become poorer due to the impact of the virus. Some may have lost a job or are struggling with their current situation. Let us be challenged to consider the poor and share our care with them in more ways than one. Let us make this National Day special by thinking about and praying for those who are in need.
I thank God for blessing our country and I’m proud to be a Singaporean. Let us continue to do our part in supporting our leaders in prayer and our people in practical ways.
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