The Blessings Of God

by Pastor Mark
July 20, 2023

Blessed with every spiritual blessing

God’s desire for His people has always been to bless them. Let us recognise how wonderfully blessed we are.

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who has blessed us with every spiritual blessing in the heavenly places in Christ,” (Ephesians 1:3)

  1. Not only are we physically blessed, but we are also greatly spiritually blessed.
  2. God chose us before the foundation of the world (Ephesians 1:4)
    1. A very profound concept to appreciate, knowing how sinful we were.
    2. Yet, He would choose us even though we were undeserving.
  3. The Lord redeemed us from our sins (Ephesians 1:7)
    1. He forgave us of our sins out of the riches of His grace.
    2. His redemption and grace were given in the abundance of wisdom and prudence.
  4. God also made known the mystery of His will (Ephesians 1:9)
    1. The mystery was once a secret but has been made known.
    2. There is great joy in knowing what the Lord’s will is for us.

Reasons for giving us His blessings

What are some reasons for the Lord to give us such abundant blessings?

  1. God’s love for us
    1. His abundant love is revealed to us even though we are unworthy.
    2. His love is evident in all of His blessings given to us.
  2. God knows our need to be saved
    1. We cannot save ourselves.
    2. Through His blessings, we will receive full salvation.
  3. God gives us purpose in our life and ministry
    1. Without God’s blessings, our lives would be aimless and meaningless.
    2. In choosing and revealing His will, God gave us purpose and significance in life.

The blessings of Bethany

Bethany has been incredibly blessed both physically and spiritually.

1. Privilege to be chosen

It was in Bethany II that I began my journey as a pastor. I count it a real blessing and privilege to be chosen, not only to be one of His saints, but also one of the pastors in Bethany. I am honoured to serve alongside Pastor Charles, who leads and guides us as a pastoral team to fulfil our different roles. In turn, collectively, we have sought to be a blessing to Bethany.

2. Mystery of His will

Since Bethany II, we have seen significant blessings and growth in our outreach locally and overseas. The mystery of God’s will was revealed in more ways than one as the Lord opened up new areas of mission work. Through the answering of the Macedonian Call, we sensed the Lord’s leading and started ministries in Australia, India, Myanmar and Kenya. Let us rejoice that our overseas works have grown from strength to strength.

Blessed be God

As we review and reflect on all the blessings that God has showered upon us as individuals and as a church, our appropriate response must be to bless the Lord. As we look ahead to our 50th Anniversary, let us be refreshed and renewed, with much joy and thanksgiving, giving praise, worship and honour to God and God alone.

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