The Blessings Of God

by Pastor Mark
March 07, 2024

A restoration of our relationship with the Lord

When the Lord gives us full forgiveness, we will experience a restoration of our relationship with Him. He will commence blessing us again, lovingly showering us with His divine and wonderful grace and favour.

When David made a full confession of his sins, he experienced God’s blessings all over again. What were some of these blessings that David experienced?

Experiencing the blessings of God

1. The blessing of God’s protection

“You are my hiding place; You shall preserve me from trouble; You shall surround me with songs of deliverance.” (Psalm 32:7)

  1. David understood God as his hiding place.
  2. He knew that the Lord would preserve him.
  3. David experienced all kinds of trouble, but there came strong deliverance.
  4. As he experienced God’s deliverance, he was inspired to write songs associated with deliverance.
  5. But more than just being blessed with deliverance, it is about relating to the Lord again.
  6. Neglect contributed to David’s problem of sin.
  7. But after confession and forgiveness, the Lord offered a closer relationship to him.

2. The blessing of God guiding our way

“I will instruct you and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye. Do not be like the horse or like the mule, which have no understanding, which must be harnessed with bit and bridle, else they will not come near you.” (Psalm 32:8,9)

  1. It is a privilege and blessing that God would speak to David and guide him.
  2. Instruct…The Lord would give us general instructions.
  3. Teach us in the way we should go…The Lord would teach us more specifically.
  4. Guide with His eye…The Lord watches over us and guides us personally in the right way.
  5. Our challenge is to go beyond God’s full forgiveness to following His ways.
  6. Yet, the Lord gives a sober warning to all.
    • Not to be stubborn like the horse or mule.
    • But to draw near and follow the guidance of the Lord.
  7. Let us be challenged to listen to the Lord and His guidance.

Choosing the way of continued blessings (Psalm 32:10,11)

1. The foolish way of the wicked

The wicked do not seek to repent and their lives are filled with sorrows. The way of the wicked has no blessings. Let us avoid this way.

2. The wise way of the righteous/upright

The righteous will choose to trust in the Lord. There will come the blessing of His abounding mercies. We can experience joy in the Lord and rejoice for all the blessings given. There is great gladness in knowing that we have been forgiven and can stand righteous before the Lord. Let us choose the wise way of continued blessings…of a closer walk with the Lord and of following the guidance of His righteous way.

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