The Brotherhood Of The Church
by Pastor Mark
September 13, 2019
The principles of brotherhood
A wonderful concept that we learnt at the Spiritual Retreat was the principle of “brotherhood”. This principle was practised between the Apostle Paul and Epaphroditus. They had a loving and close relationship that demonstrated what a brotherhood was meant to be. As Paul wrote to the Philippian church, he highlighted some features of the kind of brotherhood that we should seek to cultivate. “Yet I considered it necessary to send to you Epaphroditus, my brother, fellow worker, and fellow soldier, but your messenger and the one who ministered to my need.” (Phil 2:25)
1. My brother
Paul addressed Epaphroditus as “my brother”. Instead of using a personal pronoun, Paul used an article before brother, “ton adelphon”. This article was employed to indicate that Epaphroditus, among all the brethren, was a special brother. He was a brother who stood out more than others. He was a loving brother to Paul. This was the kind of special brotherhood that they shared.
2. Fellow-worker
Paul also described Epaphroditus as a “sunergos”. This is where we get the English word “synergy”. The word “sun” means to be “one with”. “ergos” means “energy”. As brothers, there was a close working relationship with each other. They were able to encourage each other to keep working faithfully.
3. Fellow-soldier
Epaphroditus was also a “sustratiotes”… a soldier who stands together with. Paul recognised that they were in great spiritual warfare against the evil one and false doctrines. Epaphroditus was like a comrade-in-arms who was willing to fight alongside Paul as a fellow-soldier.
4. Your messenger
Paul also considered Epaphroditus as an “Apostolos”…“a sent-one”. The Philippian church sent him to minister to the needs of Paul. He was someone who could be entrusted with the work of the Lord…that was regarded almost like an “apostle”. Epaphroditus was indeed a special brother to Paul.
The brotherhood of Bethany
These were some of the features that were highlighted by Paul as to what a brother should be. As a church, this is the kind of brotherhood that we want to develop further in Bethany. We should desire to regard each other and to serve together as part of the brotherhood in Bethany. Let us be challenged to strengthen this brotherhood as we enter into 47th year of ministry.
The brotherhood of Bethel
This brotherhood is not restricted only to Bethany. It is something that we seek to cultivate even with other IPC churches such as Bethel. Bethel celebrated its 25th anniversary this week. It is amazing that we have more than 120 brethren from Bethany to fellowship with Bethel and to worship together with them as brothers in Christ. Let us pray that Bethel too can continue to grow and develop this sense of brotherhood among themselves. Let us be challenged to forge a greater understanding of oneness between our churches for the future of our next generation.
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