The Challenge Of Sonship

by Pastor Mark
September 05, 2019

The concept of sonship

One of the key concepts that we learnt at our recent Spiritual Retreat was about sonship. Pastor Charles taught about the practice of sonship between Timothy and his spiritual father, the Apostle Paul. They had a beautiful and loving working relationship. Paul considered him a true son in the faith. (1 Timothy 1:2) One significant aspect of their relationship was how they were “like-minded”. (Philippians 2:20) The Greek word “isopsuchos” is made up of two words “isos” which means “equal” and “psuche” which means “soul”. It was an apt description of their relationship as their souls were equal. They were able to share the same heart and soul.

The sonship of the Lord Jesus

In appreciation of this concept, I was also drawn to the sonship that was exemplified by the Lord Jesus Christ Himself. His relationship with His Heavenly Father was indeed the epitome of what sonship is all about. Let us be deeply challenged by His example and how they related to each other.

1. Total submission

“But Jesus answered them, “My Father has been working until now, and I have been working.”” (John 5:17)

In terms of work, the Son was always in total submission to His Father. The Lord Jesus had healed a paralytic on the Sabbath, and he was being persecuted for it. However, the Lord Jesus gave an enlightening perspective. It was His Father who had been working, even though it was the Sabbath. It was His Father who desired the paralytic to be healed and worked through Him. The Lord Jesus was working as His Father was working. He was in total submission to His Father.

2. Total dependence

“Most assuredly, I say to you, the Son can do nothing of Himself,” (John 5:19)

This is truly an amazing statement. The Lord Jesus was the Son of God. He was equal to God. However, He would not do anything on His own. He declared that He could do nothing of Himself as He was totally dependent on His Father to lead and guide Him.

3. Total commitment

“but what He sees the Father do; for whatever He does, the Son also does in like manner.” (John 5:19)

As Son, the Lord did things exactly what His Father would do. He was totally committed to Him. Whatever His Father did, He would do in like manner. The Lord Jesus did not seek to do His own thing, only what His Father did.

4. Total sense of closeness

“For the Father loves the Son, and shows Him all things that He Himself does; and He will show Him greater works than these, that you may marvel.” (John 5:20)

There was such closeness between the Son and the Father. The Lord knew that His Father loved Him and would reveal things to Him. He would reveal the greater things that the Lord would do. The Lord Jesus would do those things out of love for His Father. As Father and Son, there was a total sense of closeness and love for each other.

What an inspiration!

The Sonship that the Lord Jesus had with His Father was indeed the ultimate example for us to appreciate, learn and to follow. Let us be inspired and challenged to follow the example of the Lord Jesus as Son.


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