The Excellence Of The Power Of God
by Pastor Mark
September 14, 2017
Facing the adverse circumstances of life
As we go through life’s journey, we recognise that life does not get easier and easier. Work challenges may get harder. Family responsibilities may get more challenging. Problems and difficulties seem to mount up to the point that they may seem overwhelming.
The Apostle Paul had his own fair share of challenges in his life and ministry. In his epistle to the Corinthian brethren, he wrote of how he honestly felt as he faced those challenges but he did not allow himself to be overwhelmed in any way.
Overwhelming but not overwhelmed
1. “We are hard-pressed on every side, yet not crushed;” (2 Cor 4:8)
The Greek word for “hard-pressed” is “thlibo” which means “tribulation, afflictions”. Paul was going through much tribulations. Even though he was afflicted on all sides and it may have felt quite overwhelming, he was not overwhelmed. He was not crushed and was still able to withstand the pressure.
2. “we are perplexed, but not in despair;” (2 Cor 4:8)
The Greek word for “perplexed” is “aporeo”. “poreo” means “way”. With the use of an alpha privative in front, it means the opposite. It seemed like Paul was almost at a loss….he was perplexed concerning his situation. But he did not allow himself to be in despair. The word “despair” in Greek is “ekaporeo” which is “aporeo” but with the additional “ek”. This is a far stronger word than “aporeo”. It showed that Paul did not allow himself to get to the point of “ekaporeo”…despair.
3. “persecuted, but not forsaken;” (2 Cor 4:9)
Paul was also persecuted by those who were against him. But he never felt forsaken. The word “forsaken” in Greek is “egkataleipo” which means “to leave behind, to abandon”. Paul never felt abandoned despite facing persecution.
4. “struck down, but not destroyed;” (2 Cor 4:9)
The word “struck down” in Greek is “kataballó” which means “to cast down.” There were times when Paul was cast or struck down but he was not destroyed. He did not perish.
Our treasure in earthen vessels
“But we have this treasure in earthen vessels, that the excellence of the power may be of God and not of us.” (2 Cor 4:7) What is this treasure in us? The treasure is a reference to different things that should be seen as treasures in us. It would include the ministry that we have been entrusted with. (2 Cor 4:1) Another treasure is the light of the knowledge of God (2 Cor 4:7) It is through these treasures that we are able to have the excellence of the power of God.
The excellence of the power of God
The power that Paul had was not of his power. Our human strength is really nothing compared to the power of God. We are but earthen vessels. The word “power” in Greek is “dunamis” which is where we get the English word “dynamo/dynamic”. This is the dynamic power of the Lord. There is the surpassing measure of power that is made available to us. It with this power that we are not crushed or in despair. Let us be challenged to appreciate the power of God that is available to us and to apply it in the challenging circumstances of life.
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