The Prayer For Wisdom
by Pastor Mark
May 14, 2020
The need for wisdom amidst the trials of life
As the Apostle James wrote to the pilgrims who were scattered abroad, he recognised their need for wisdom to face the adverse circumstances of their life. Because of the uncertainty and complexity of their situation, sound decisions were far more challenging to make.
As we continue to face the trials of life due to the impact of the COVID-19 virus on our country and our personal life, do we find our ourselves having to make difficult decisions? Choices are to be made in the daily course of our work or even about our job situation. Decisions also are to be made about our families, our relationships and our personal life. Personally, I recognise my own great need for wisdom to make good and sound decisions.
Acknowledging our need for God’s wisdom
“If any of you lacks wisdom,” (James 1:5)
The word “lacks” in Greek is “leipo” which means “to be absent of, to lack”. This word is written in the passive form. It is not about a lack of the human wisdom that is inside us. We tend to think we are quite wise, but our human, worldly wisdom is truly unprofitable.
James was writing about lacking the kind of wisdom that is from outside us, from an external source. Our lives are absent of the divine wisdom that comes from God. Let us acknowledge how lacking we are of the wisdom that should come from God Himself.
Asking for the wisdom of God
“let him ask of God,” (James 1:5)
If we recognise our lack of God’s wisdom, the natural next step would be to pray and to ask for God’s wisdom. The problem with many of us is that we do not ask. We prefer to make decisions on our own. Our faith in God should cause us to look to Him first for wisdom.
Can we believe that God would answer us when we pray and seek His wisdom? The answer is “Yes!” How do we know this? James wrote further, “who gives to all liberally and without reproach, and it will be given to him.” (James 1:5)
- God is magnanimous. He would give His wisdom freely and bountifully when we ask.
- God is kind and understanding. He would not rebuke or reproach us for asking.
- God is dependable. James assures us that He would certainly give when we ask of Him.
Let us be challenged to ask for the wisdom of God to help us make good decisions in life.
The example of Solomon
At the beginning of King Solomon’s reign, when he considered all the challenges of fulfilling his role as king of Israel, he recognised his need for wisdom. He chose to ask God for “an understanding heart to judge (His) people, that (he) may discern between good and evil.” (1 Kings 3:9) God was pleased with Solomon’s request and made him a truly wise king.
Later, King Solomon would write about the wisdom of God in his book of Proverbs, “For the Lord gives wisdom; from His mouth come knowledge and understanding; He stores up sound wisdom for the upright;” (Proverbs 2:6–7) The wisdom of God comes from His very mouth. It is found in His words. Let us be challenged to seek the wisdom of God as silver and as hidden treasures. (Proverbs 2:4) There would come understanding of the fear of the Lord and the knowledge of God. (Proverbs 2:5) Let us ask the Lord to give us His wisdom that we may have the discernment and understanding to make good choices in the challenges of life.
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