The Promise Of Peace
by Pastor Mark
February 21, 2019
The need of peace
All of us seek peace in life. We often find ourselves in situations where our hearts may be troubled or fearful. Problems can overwhelm us if we do not learn to find peace of heart and mind.
As the disciples of the Lord faced the reality that He was going to leave them and to suffer the death on the cross, they became anxious and afraid.
The Lord Jesus sought to give them a timely word to comfort and encourage them, “Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid.” (John 14:27) He used the imperative in giving this challenge to the disciples. They should not allow themselves to be troubled or fearful. They need to find peace of heart and mind instead.
The peace of the world
The peace that the Lord promised is unlike the peace of the world, “Not as the world gives do I give to you.” (John 14:27) The kind of peace that the world offers is inadequate. It is usually temporary and does not last. It is at best a weak form of peace which is not at all helpful.
The Lord’s kind of peace stands in opposite to what the world offers. Let us avoid the world’s kind of peace and look to the Lord for His lasting peace instead.
The Prince of Peace
One of the titles of the Lord Jesus was the “Prince of Peace” (Isa 9:6) The Lord Jesus spoke to His disciples as the Prince of Peace. He is full of peace. He rules with peace.
The Lord Jesus Himself displayedmuch peace of heart and mind. When the Lord and His disciples were traveling on a boat in the midst of a storm, He showed much peace as He slept.
Even as the Lord faced His impending suffering and death, the Lord was able to show much composure and peace as He spoke His last words to His disciples. No matter what problems the Lord faced in His life, He had a lasting peace. He was certainly the epitome of being at peace. This was the kind of peace that the Lord Jesus exemplified for His disciples to see.
The promise of peace
“Peace I leave with you, My peace I give to you;” (John 14:27)
This was a wonderful promise that the Lord gave to His disciples. Even as He planned to depart, He left with them peace. It was not just any peace but His peace. The peace that the Lord had displayed, throughout His time with them, was divine and not of the world.
The disciples would be able to have the same peace that the Lord Jesus had. They would be able to find this peace as they learnt to follow His example of having peace in the most difficult circumstances. It was a peace that would help them overcome their troubles and fears. The Lord’s peace would be able to help them find stillness and rest.
This promise of peace is also given to all of us. Let us be challenged toseek the same strong and lasting kind of peace that the Lord Jesus had. Let us be challenged to display peace of heart and mind as we face the challenges of life and ministry.
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