The Will Of God And Worship
by Pastor Mark
April 15, 2021
A deeply moving experience
At last Sunday’s Morning Worship Service, great joy filled my heart as we commenced singing again in our worship of the Lord. We have been missing the singing of praises to God for more than a year. That morning, I recalled Psalm 65:1,“Praise is awaiting You, O God, in Zion.” It was with great anticipation that I prepared my heart for worship.
As part of Pastor Charles’ introduction to a favourite hymn of many, he said that there might be problems and tensions as we look at the world. He reminded us, “This is still our Father’s world.” It was such a reassuring hymn to sing in view of how the world has been adversely affected by the pandemic this last year. When I stood up and sang, “This is my Father’s world”, tears began to flow. It was such a deeply moving experience that I will never forget this memorable moment. It was like “coming home” again.
Discerning the will of God
I cannot but see how vital it is for us as a church to discern the will of God through this last year. When the pandemic was slowly rearing its ugly head early 2020, Pastor and the Session had to decide that it was the will of God for us to cease all church activities and to go online with our services, even though there were differing opinions. Then, our deep concern was for our elderly brethren who were more susceptible to the COVID-19 virus, and we wanted to love them in knowledge and all discernment (Phil 1:9). We followed the will of the Lord for the safety of all our brethren.
Now, with the government’s careful and calibrated guidance in the gradual opening of all churches, we can sing as a congregation again. Worship on Sunday was a joyful and blessed moment that we cannot but see the will of God. We thank God for His goodness and mercy in blessing us with this new joy of worship. Nevertheless, we will continue to trust the Lord to protect and keep us under the shadow of His wings. Let us discern and appreciate the will of God in leading us in our worship.
A longing to be in the Lord’s house to give praise
Let us experience a revival in our longing to be in church. The sons of Korah had a deep love and longing for the house of the Lord (Ps 84:1). They counted it a blessing to be in the Lord’s house and to give Him praise (Ps 84:4). For me, there is no greater joy and no better place to be than to be in church on Sunday morning…to offer worship to the Lord and to listen to His Word. This is the Lord’s will for us. Let us be challenged to seize every opportunity to be in Bethany and to sing praises to Him.
Sense of oneness in worship
While there will be times when we will have to worship online, let us praise the Lord with a greater sense of oneness with the brethren in church. Our challenge is to give glory to God with one mind and one mouth (Rom 15:6). Let us dedicate time to worship the Lord with oneness in mind. Let us be challenged to understand and fulfil the will of God according to His Word in our worship of Him.
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