Understanding Time
by Pastor Mark
February 04, 2021
A most difficult time
This week has been a most challenging time for the Lau family. Mr and Mrs Lau’s son, Jon, passed away unexpectedly in a fishing trip accident. The news of his passing came as a shock to all. In such times, we are challenged to understand what the concept of time is all about. King Solomon observed these things about time, “To everything there is a season, a time for every purpose under heaven:” (Eccl 3:1) How did Solomon see time?
Understanding time
1. The seasons of life…“Time” is seen as “seasons”. We go through different seasons of life. Spring, summer, autumn and winter reflect the seasons of life. Everything has a season.
2. A sense of purpose…Solomon also connected “time” with “purpose”. No matter what time or season we are experiencing, there is a purpose. Time and purpose go together.
Purpose in the seasons of life
“A time to be born, and a time to die;” (Eccl 3:2)
1. Purpose in life…The reality of death causes us to rethink what life is. The sudden passing of Jon reminds us of the frailty of life. We have a short time on this earth. It is wise for us to determine what is the purpose of our life. Death comes all too soon. Let us make our life count in our fulfilling our purpose on this earth.
2. Purpose in death…At the beginning of the first memorial service, Pastor Charles shared that we were not just going to recall and remember Jon, but we were also going to seek to be renewed. Even though it was Jon’s passing that brought us together, our purpose was to be renewed through the Word of God and the testimony of Jon. We thank God for all who came and all who watched the livestreaming. Many spoke of how they were specially renewed.
The thoughts that brought renewal to my heart
Pastor shared many perspectives from the Scriptures about faith for us to learn. These were some of the thoughts that struck me.
1. We should measure life not in terms of length of time but of strength. Even though Jon’s life was cut short, his life was significant as he filled it with strength and faith.
2. A far-reaching faith
It is not about our feelings but to have a far-reaching faith. Mary and Martha fantasised that death could be prevented (John 11). Faith is meant to be far-reaching…to go beyond the present difficulties to the years ahead. It is a faith that reaches out far and wide. Jon reached out to many with his kindness and with the gospel. His faith impacted many.
3. Insight
Faith is about having insights…about how we should live our life. Jon had wise insights with regards to his faith and he shared them. Our faith should not be insipid but should be invigorated and inspired by deep insights.
These were some of the thoughts that renewed my faith. Let us be challenged to understand time, life and death with a greater sense of purpose.
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