Walk In Him

by Pastor Mark
February 11, 2016

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The challenge to walk in Christ

A Blessed and Happy Chinese New Year to one and all! Even as we begin the New Year, we want to consider an aspect of our walk with the Lord. The Apostle Paul gave this challenge to the Colossian church, “As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,” (Col 2:6)

But what does it mean to walk in Him? It means to follow the Lord Jesus. All that the Lord Jesus is, we seek to follow.

We are meant to follow His spirit…which is the Spirit of God. Whatever the kind of spirit that the Lord had, we should follow that spirit. We are to follow His mindset. His thinking would become our thinking. We are to also follow the Lord’s heart. We would have the same kind of heart that the Lord had. Let us be challenged to follow the spirit, mindset and heart of Christ.

The expressions of walking in Christ

“Rooted and built up in Him and established in the faith, as you have been taught, abounding in it with thanksgiving.” (Col 2:7)

What are some expressions of following the Lord?

  1. Rooted in Him

When we relate to the Lord, we become rooted in Him as a plant takes root. It will stand firm and not be moveable. In walking in the Lord, we are firmly rooted in Christ and we will not be drawn away.

  1. Build up in Him

Paul then changed the imagery to a household. When we have laid the right foundation for a house, we can then build upon it. The Colossians was to build up their faith. In following the Lord, we will see our life built up in Him.

  1. Established in the faith

Another expression in walking with the Lord is that we will see our faith being established. It is to have a faith that is rooted and established. It is to build up our faith till it is solidly established. Let us be challenged to follow the Lord that our faith may be established.

The continuity of our walk in Christ

  1. Salvation as our encouragement

“As you therefore have received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk in Him,” (Col 2:6)

We have been saved by the Lord Jesus. In recalling the assurance and joy of our salvation, let us be encouraged to continue our walk.

  1. The challenge to continue

Paul gave the challenge to press on. The use of the present tense for “walk” indicates the need for us to continue to walk. No matter what we go through in life, it is crucial that we learn to continue to follow Christ and to relate to Him always. Let us be challenged to check our walk with the Lord and to ensure that we continue in following Him.

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