Who Is A God Like You

by Pastor Mark
December 31, 2015

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Reflections on DML

We have come to the end of another year. 2015 has come and gone. Even as we stand at the threshold of 2016, my thoughts are drawn to what Pastor Charles taught at the DML service.  

They were deep insights for us to ponder over as we end this year. No matter what kind of year we may have had, we all still struggle with sin. I was deeply appreciative of how Pastor got us to focus on God.

Focusing on God

‘Who is a God like You, pardoning iniquity.” (Micah 7)

What a wonderful truth. There is no other God like our God. He is like no other god in terms of His nature and character. There is no better focus that we want to have than our God.

He is someone that we should focus on rather than our sins. He is One who seeks to pardon. Pastor’s explanation of the word “pardon” is to cancel out the consequences of sin. What a wonderful truth. Sins have far reaching consequences. God has the right to judge us. But when God pardon us, He cancels those consequences. Only our God would extend such mercy and grace.

The best response to our sins is really to focus on God. Sin tends to prevent us from coming to God…to returning to Him. In fact, it drives us away from Him. It is so crucial that we learn to focus on God. Not that we should be glib about our sins and we should seek to deal with them, and by focusing on God, it moves us away from focusing on our sins but to appreciate God for all that He is.

Not limiting God

I particularly was moved by Pastor’s explanation of passing over, “And passing over the transgression of the remnant of His heritage.” (Micah 7:18) The Greek word for “passing over” in the Septuagint version is “huperbaino”. The word means to go beyond the limit. God goes beyond our transgression. He will not only pardon our sins but to go beyond to the other extreme in giving us mercy. 

God is not limited in any way. He does not limit His mercy nor His compassion. He is so much greater and bigger in what He would do with our sins.

This reminds me of a lesson that we learnt at the YAG-YC Retreat concerning how great our God is. “Your way, O God, is in the sanctuary; who is so great a God as our God?” (Ps 77:13) It is in the sanctuary that we discover about God and His ways. I’m glad that it was in His sanctuary (Shangri La) that we discover more of the ways of God…of a God who goes beyond and does not limit Himself in His mercy and compassions.

I thank God for the limitless God that He is.

Facing 2016

As we begin 2016, let us draw upon these thoughts in facing the challenges ahead.

  1. Let us seek to be truly focused on God and not allow any other things to distract us
  2. Let us appreciate how God goes beyond in giving His mercy and compassion to us
  3. Let us not allow sin to bog us down so badly that we distance ourselves from God.
  4. Let us stand in awe of who God is and in all limitless

Wishing you a great and blessed 2016 ahead.

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