Words Of Comfort

by Pastor Mark
February 01, 2024


A difficult start to the year

The first month of 2024 has turned out to be a significant challenge for us as a church and for me as an individual. As a church, we have already conducted four funerals. Each funeral was difficult as we grieved with each family. But this week’s funeral for Hua Ming was tremendously heart-wrenching as it hit close to the heart.

Firstly, I felt the loss of a dear friend. Secondly, I felt deep sadness for Karen, a long-time dear friend, especially with Chen Kee. Thirdly, Matthew, Mark, Kayleigh and Luke are our godchildren. There was a deep sense of sorrow that they had lost their father, who was only 52. As we grieve with the family, we thank God for the tremendous love and support of Bethany, who rallied around Karen and the family during their time of profound grief.

The vagaries of life

Life is filled with many unexpected turns. This is what I have come to understand about life through experiencing the death of loved ones and observing how frail life can be as we conducted the funerals of not only the old but also the young. At the beginning of the year, I thought I was better prepared for these vagaries of life. But life does throw “curve balls” that we would never expect. The passing of Hua Ming was certainly one of them.

Yet, isn’t this what life is? God made life to be transient and frail. This was David’s understanding, “Indeed, You have made my days as handbreadths, and my age is as nothing before You; certainly every man at his best state is but a vapour.” (Psalm 39:5). This is the reality of life and death. The Lord has to teach us again that our end will come sooner than we think.

The God of all comfort

We thank God for His Word taught at both memorial services that provided us with words of comfort that go beyond just human words. Amid the pain and hurt, the words of 2 Corinthians 1:3,4 reveal to us the God of all comfort in all His glory and beauty, “Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of mercies and God of all comfort, who comforts us in all our tribulation.”

We appreciate God for being our heavenly Father who shows mercy to us. Not only will our heavenly Father sympathise with us as a father would for his child, but He is also the God of all comfort. The word “comfort” in Greek is “parakaleo”, which indicates someone coming alongside another and comforting him. God comes alongside us and comforts us with His presence. He understands exactly what we are going through and takes it upon Himself to give us the comfort we need. No matter what kind of tribulation, trouble or suffering we are going through, our God of all comfort will give His abounding comfort to us so that we can partake of His comfort.

The love of God

Another word of comfort given was about the love of God. Facing the vagaries of life can cause a person to end up with anger and hatred towards God or man…when one is devoid of love. But the love that God offers is divine. This divine love can change and revolutionise our mind, heart and spirit. Our part is to discover this love in Christ. The Apostle Paul wrote that God, out of His love, did not spare His own Son to deliver us from our sins (Romans 8:32). This love deepens through life’s tribulations (Romans 8:35,36). No tribulation or distress will separate us from the love of Christ. It is for the Lord’s sake that we face each suffering.

The love of God is also our defence. There will be those who will make all kinds of charges against us. But it is God who justifies (Romans 8:33). The love of God will defend us against all accusations. Our hearts should be filled with love, not hatred. Let us find hope and encouragement through God’s glorious comfort and love as we face the vagaries of life. 

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