Study 83

by Charles Tan

Text: Daniel 11

Dear Young People,


The teaching angel had to explain to Daniel a number of vital truths. On the human level, Daniel would only be able to see physical countries like Babylon, Persia, and Greece. These seemed to be always at war. Babylon was seeking to establish a world empire. Daniel knew that for a fact. He had lived to see the rise and fall of the Babylonian empire.

What Daniel might not have known was that there were powerful evil spirits who worked hard at corrupting the kings that sought to establish a world empire. These human kings were empowered by powerful evil spirits. In the wake of their conquests, thousands would be left homeless. Many others would be slain. Still others would be enslaved and made subject to all kinds of atrocities associated with war.

These evil spirits must be resisted. No human power can withstand their might. Angels of God must enter into the fray. This was an important truth that Daniel must understand. It was a humbling lesson for Daniel to learn. Yet, learn it he must. The spiritual realm was as real as the human realm.

Babylon was a mighty empire. It devastated many smaller countries. Nations like Israel was razed to the ground by the Babylonians. God then raised up the Medes and the Persians. The angel of the Lord spoke about his involvement in Darius’ life.

“Also in the first year of Darius the Mede,
I, even I, stood up to confirm and strengthen him).”
Daniel 11:1

Secular history records the fact that Darius consolidated the Persian Empire begun by Cyrus. Ezra recorded the fact that Darius showed great favour to the Jews in their attempt to rebuild their Temple. He gave such full and strong support to the Jews that their enemies could do nothing against the work of rebuilding the Temple (Cf. Ezra 5). Darius probably never knew just why he felt inclined to help Israel. The teaching angel knew the real truth. He was the one sent by God to strengthen Darius in his endeavour to help God’s people.


The teaching angel then revealed further truths to Daniel. He said,

“And now I will tell you the truth:
Behold, three more kings will arise in Persia,
And the fourth shall be far richer than them all;
By his strength, through his riches, he shall stir up
All against the realm of Greece.”
Daniel 11:2

What treasures there are in God’s Word? Plan to read it diligently.

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