He Will Come To Us Like The Rain
By Pastor Mitch
November 15, 2017
What is hyetology (Sounds like haiyah-tology)? It is a branch of meteorology that deals with precipitation. This was a picture taken during a recent YAG outing to the Pinnacles at Duxton road. We were on the 50th floor and we could see this cumulonimbus cloud that was dissipating its water near-by. According to Wikipedia, the cumulonimbus cloud is a dense towering vertical cloud associated with thunderstorms and atmospheric instability. They can form alone or they may come in a cluster as in the case of the above photo. There is another bigger thunderstorm cell on the left-hand side of the frame. Such thunderstorms would be even more frequent during the North East Monsoon which typically falls during the months of December and January. The North East Monsoon season is characterised by late afternoon and evening thunderstorms. And this will always happen during this period of the year. This is something that most Singaporean would know well.
Let us know, Let us pursue the knowledge of the Lord. His going forth is established as the morning; He will come to us like the rain, Like the latter and former rain to the earth.” Hosea 6:3
The people of Israel had strayed from the Lord and had come to a stage where they did not know God meaningfully at all (Hos 4:1). They rejected the knowledge of God, sinned greatly against Him and were destroyed (Hos. 4:6). Hosea called the people to return to Him, to seek forgiveness and revival (Hos 6:1-2). After returning, the challenge from the prophet Hosea was for them to know the Lord personally. They were meant to know God and to pursue a deep and intimate knowledge of Him. What the Lord is like and what He does are established like the morning. Knowledge of the Lord is like knowing the coming of the latter and former rain in Israel. The latter rain would come during Spring which is during March and April and cause the plants to grow and mature. The former rain would come in the Autumn which is during the latter part of October and November when it is time for plowing and sowing . As much as the rain waters the earth and brings forth growth at definite times, so the Lord can also be known in a definite way. He is known as One who would bring about blessings upon His people when we turn to Him and walk in His ways. Young people, let’s seek to pursue a deeper knowledge of God.