“I Have Been Crucified With Christ”
By Pastor Mitch
July 13, 2018
It was one of those days in Singapore where the sky was very blue. I took the opportunity to go onto the Church roof and to take a few pictures. This was what I saw. Our Church cross with the sun at its back and with the blue sky as its backdrop produced a picturesque sight.
As I stood there and thought of the cross of Christ, I am reminded of Paul’s response.
I have been crucified with Christ; it is no longer I who live, but Christ lives in me; and the life which I now live in the flesh I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave Himself for me.” Gal. 2:20
The context of this statement was at a time when Paul was fighting against a false gospel that had infiltrated the Churches of Galatia. There were those who claimed that salvation came through the works of the law. Paul wrote of how justification is not by the works of the law but by faith in Christ. When we have faith in Christ, we have found life in Him. And our response to salvation is to live our life for Him. We can see this from Paul’s example
- The total identification with Christ
Paul saw himself as totally identified with Christ in His crucifixion. There was such a deep association with Him that he considered his old life as no more. As far as Paul was concerned, his sins and past life had been crucified with Christ and the effects of this continued.
- The total integration of Christ in our life
Paul saw that he himself and his own will were no longer in control. He had chosen to not live any longer for himself. He now sought for Christ to totally live in him.
- The total involvement of Christ in our life through faith
Paul also sought to live his life by exercising faith in Him each day. Although he still had to live his life in the flesh, his commitment was to totally involve the Lord Jesus in all that he did as he applied his faith daily. His whole life became Christ-centred. Young people, may we also seek to live our life in total consecration to the Lord.