Let The Little Children Come To Me
By Pastor Mitch
June 01, 2018
Junior camp 2018 has come to an end. We thank God for His blessings concerning this week of reaching out to the children. Much planning was put into for this camp and many worked hard throughout the week. We thank God for each one who had served the Lord and ministered to the hearts of the children. The main thing that had made the most impact was the evening sketches featuring the life of Mary Slessor. The sketches spoke to the hearts of the children with regards to the faith in God that Mary had in persevering in being a missionary and reaching the lost at Calabar (Present day Nigeria), Africa. The children were challenged by her love for the Lord. We truly thank God for this wonderful week of relating to the children at camp.
Ministering to children was something that was in the heart of the Lord Jesus
- A special love for each child
But when Jesus saw it, He was greatly displeased and said to them, “Let the little children come to Me, and do not forbid them, for such is the kingdom of God….” Mark 10:14
He had to correct the disciples’ lack of compassion for children. They forbade the parents from bringing them to Jesus. He was angry with them because this was totally uncalled for. He wanted the children to come to Him so that He may minister to them and to their parents. There was a special heart of love for each one. There was such tenderness and care for the children. Young people, we too can learn to care for children with love and care for such is the kingdom of God.
- A special prayer of blessing for each child
And He took them up in His arms, laid hands on them, and blessed them.” Mark 10:16
The Lord Jesus also lovingly and gently embrace each child in His arms. There was a personal touch as He ministered to the children. He laid hands on them and, He specially prayed for them. His example of praying for children shows to us that children need to be lovingly prayed for too. They too need the Lord’s mercy and blessings. Let’s also learn to love children enough to pray for them continually that His blessings may be upon them.