I Am Your Shield
By Pastor Mitch
July 23, 2021
In these challenging times, one thing that we should focus on is the promises of God. This was something that Pastor spoke on at one of the Youth Worship Services with regards to the faith of Abram. He had come to have some basic knowledge in the Lord and he sought to have a personal faith in Him. However, when Abram defeated the northern coalition of kings as he rescued Lot and family (Gen. 14:15), there was some fear within his heart. He was afraid that this coalition of kings might take revenge on him. And Abram would not be able to defend himself because he only had a small army. He was fearful of what might happen. The Lord then appeared to Abram in a vision.
“After these things the word of the Lord came to Abram in a vision, saying “Do not be afraid, Abram. I am your shield, your exceedingly great reward.” Gen. 15:1
These were the promises that God made to Abram.
- The promise of His protection.
The Lord encouraged Abram to not fear. His promise to him was that He was his shield. He was encouraging Abram to trust fully in Him. There was no need for more servants to defend him. All he required was for God to be his shield and defender. The Lord would be His protector 24/7.
- The promise of God as His exceeding great reward.
The Lord God went on to also promise Abram that He would be his exceeding great reward. The Lord Himself was the very best reward ever. There was no need to focus on material gains. Abram exercised faith in this truth that God Himself was the greatest gain he could have in life.
These promises of God are universal. They are truths that are applicable even hundreds of years later. King David applied this truth to his own life.
But You, O LORD, are a shield for me, my glory and the One who lifts up my head.” Psalm 3:3
When enemies were increasing against him, he was able to see that the Lord was his shield. He was his glory, the one who would bring honour to him. David could have felt despair and his head could have been down because of his predicament but the Lord was the One who lifted up his head. He cried out to God and He answered his prayer. The Lord specially sustained him.
As I reflect on this, I too seek to apply my faith in God as we see the Delta variant clusters growing and as we go back to Phase 2 (heightened alert). We want to focus on the Lord as our shield. He is going to be the One who will always lift up our head and sustain us. Let’s seek to always apply our faith in God and His promises even as we go through these challenging times.