The Hallel Series
By Pastor Mitch
September 06, 2019
The Hallel Psalms are a series of psalms that consist Psalm 113 – 118.
1. The nature of the Hallel Psalms is praise
The word “Hallel” means “praise” in Hebrew. It was most natural for the Psalmist to offer praise to God for who He is and what He has done.
2. The role of the Levites
The Levites were to assist priests on all matters in the tabernacle (Numbers 18:1-7.) One of the things that King David appointed the Levites to do was to praise the Lord with musical instruments (1 Chron. 23:30.)
a. They were to teach the people to praise
b. They were to lead the people in praise
As we study the Hallel Psalms, it is our goal that we would learn to praise the Lord as a way of life. Furthermore, we would improve on giving praise to Him.
Praise the Lord! Praise, O servants of the LORD, praise the name of the LORD.” Psalm 113:1
What ties all the Hallel psalms together is that they are in essence a call to praise the Lord. This psalm begins with a call to all to give praise to Him. “Praise the Lord” in Hebrew is where we get the word “Hallelujah” from. The Psalmist had a special regard for the Lord that he can’t help but honour the Lord.
1. The Psalmist specifically make a call to the servants of God to give praise.
a. This would be a call to everyone; the King, the Priests, the Levites and everyone else who served the Lord
b. They were to give praise to the Lord even as they served
2. They were to give praise to the name of the Lord.
a. The name of the Lord represents all that the Lord is.
b. The Lord’s name is to be hallowed and honoured at all times.
c. One of the Ten Commandments of God is that the Lord’s name is not to taken in vain (Exo. 20:7.)
d. It is to be specially lifted up at all times.
Young people, even as we learn to serve the Lord, let’s seek to do so with a heart that will give praise to Him. Let’s do all things seeking to honour and praise His name.