by Pastor Mitch
November 23, 2008

Going Through Problems Of Life

In life, we all need strength. Mere physical strength can only help us to some extent. This is especially so when we have to face the problems of life. For the Psalmist in the text ofPsalm 86, he needed strength from the Lord to go through really tough times.

“Bow down Your ear, O Lord, hear me; 
For I am poor and needy.”
Psalm 86:1

There was a time when David felt poor and needy. This could have been during the times when he was running away from enemies like King Saul. He was indeed destitute and in great need. Many in this world today will encounter need as they go through this economic crisis. They can end up in discouragement and despair.

The Need For Strength To Carry On With Life

We all need strength to carry on in life, especially when facing the challenges of life. The Psalmist realised how troubles could rob him of his joy. He sought for this joy.

“Rejoice the soul of your servant” 
Psalm 86:4

We need strength to find joy in our soul. It is not easy to rejoice when the problems of life plague our soul. Strength is needed to keep rejoicing and praising the Lord despite problems. Strength is also needed to help us walk in God’s ways. The Psalmist determined within his heart to walk in the truths of the Lord.

“I will walk in your truth” 
Psalm 86:11

We also need strength to walk according to the Lord’s word. When we go through times of trouble, we may end up being spiritually weak. We may not find the strength to keep His ways. The Psalmist determined that he would walk in the ways of the Lord.

Humbly Praying For Strength

“Oh, turn to me, and have mercy on me! 
Give your strength to your servant”
Psalm 86:16

King David prayed for this strength from the Lord. He humbly prayed for strength because he saw himself as only a servant. He needed strength to continue being the Lord’s servant. He also humbly prayed for the Lord’s mercy. It is through the mercy of God that he would find renewal to carry on in life. Let us, with faith, seek the Lord’s mercies and grace in prayer. Let’s keep praying for the Lord’s strengthening so that we may carry on in life as we go through these trying times in the world. Let’s humbly seek the Lord’s strength for each day.

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