by Pastor Mitch
November 06, 2011

Learning How To Pray For Each Other

Have we made prayer an important discipline in our life? When we understand what it means to be complete in Christ and to be part of a Church, one practical response is to learn to pray and to intercede for each other. It is vital as Christians that we cultivate prayer as an integral part of our lives. We should seek to learn how to pray for each other. How can we go about doing this?

1. Devotedness In Prayer

“Continue earnestly in prayer …” 
Colossians 4:2

The phrase “Continue earnestly” in the Greek means to have a deep sense of devotion towards something or someone. Paul was strongly exhorting the Colossians to devote themselves to the discipline of praying. He had shown to them by example of how he was personally devoted to God in prayer. He prayed always for the Church at Colossi (Colossians 1:3). He did not cease to pray for them (Colossians 1:9). Young people, let’s learn to be devoted to God and to prayer too.

2. Watchfulness In Prayer

“Being vigilant in it …” 
Colossians 4:2

Paul also challenged the Colossian Church that even as they prayed continually, they must also be watchful. They must have a deep sense of vigilance in sensing and seeing what is happening around them and in the world. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples that they were to watch and pray with reference to the second coming of Christ (Luke 21:36). Young people, do we know how to be watchful in prayer? We must learn to do so.

3. Thankfulness In Prayer

“With thanksgiving …” 
Colossians 4:2

Prayer should never be done grudgingly. It should be practised with a heart of joy and thanksgiving. This was the manner by which Paul prayed for the Colossian Church (Colossians 1:312). There should tremendous gratitude to God in our heart. Let’s learn to pray by reflecting on things that we can be most thankful to God for. Let’s learn to give praise and thanksgiving to Him.

4. Interceding In Prayer

“Meanwhile praying also for us …” 
Colossians 4:3

As we pray, let’s learn to go beyond praying for ourselves to praying for others. Paul saw how when people interceded for him, it made all the difference for him in life and ministry. He asked for prayer support that a door might be opened for him to preach the gospel to people. Young people, let’s also learn to pray for each other. There are some who are still in the middle of exams or are going to take exams soon. Let’s remember them in our prayers. Let’s also pray that doors would be opened for the gospel to be preached to our non-believing friends. Let’s sincerely pray for others.

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