by Pastor Mitch
November 25, 2012

The Problem Of Having A False Sense Of Being Religious

Christians, plagued by the sin of pride, often feel the need to appear religious. Some can deceive themselves into thinking that they are devout in the sight of men by merely professing themselves to be Christians and attending Church. However, their words and deeds do not show for it.

“If anyone among you thinks he is religious, and does not bridle his tongue but deceives his own heart, this one’s religion is useless.” 
James 1:26

A person can end up having two “lives”. On the one hand, he seems to be religious in Church. But on the other hand, when he is out in the world, he does not control his tongue. He can boast great things about himself and speak curses to others. His actions do not correspond with his thoughts of being religious. Such religiosity is worthless. Psalm 34:13 speaks of how when a person fears God, he will keep his tongue from evil and his lips from speaking deceit. He does not stumble in his words (James 3:2). Let’s ensure that we fight against this false sense of being religious.

Having A Faith That Practises True Religion

“Pure and undefiled religion …” 
James 1:27

True religion is never just an external shell of mere showmanship in the sight of men. It is the practice of God’s word with the purest of intentions.

1. With Reference To God

“Before God and the Father is this …” 
James 1:27

A man of mature faith is one who is most conscious of God as his heavenly Father. He seeks to please and honour Him in all that he seeks to do. He knows that he cannot hide his personal intentions before God. He is pure and clear in his desire to seek God and to glorify Him through his good works (Matthew 5:16).

2. With Reference To The Needy

“To visit orphans and widows in their trouble …” 
James 1:27

True religion is also seen by what we do for the poor and needy. James wrote of how Christians are meant to be compassionate, and they would seek to help orphans and widows in need. In the parable of the judgment of the Gentile, the Lord Jesus taught that when we have done good to the least of His brethren, we have done it to Him (Matthew 25:40). Isaiah 1:17 also denotes the need to defend the fatherless and to plead for the widows. When we do good works to the less fortunate, we are practising pure religion.

3. With Reference To The World

“And to keep oneself unspotted from the world.” 
James 1:27

Last but not least, true religion is seen by how we relate to the world. James wrote of how Christians would seek to set aside the things of the world and to remain untainted by it. Romans 12:2 emphasises how we should not be conformed to the world and its ways. Instead, we should be transformed by the renewing of our minds and doing His will. Young people, let’s exercise our faith by seeking to be different from the world.

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