by Pastor Mitch
February 25, 2007

The Problem With Worrying About The Things Of The World

People in the world worry much. They worry about almost everything, from the kind of grades they want to have to the kind of material things they want to gain. When we spend so much time with such people in the world, it is easy for us to be influenced by them. We end up worrying like them. The Lord Jesus highlighted this problem.

“Therefore do not worry, saying ‘What shall we eat?’ or ‘What shall we drink?’ or ‘What shall we wear?’ For after all these things the Gentiles seek.”
Matthew 6:31-32

The Gentiles were seeking after the things of life. This was their priority. This focus brought much worry and stress to their well-being. The Lord Jesus taught His disciples not to make these things take precedence in their lives. They were to seek the kingdom of God instead.

The Priority Of Seeking The Kingdom Of God

“But seek first the kingdom of God and His righteousness…”
Matthew 6:33

How can we make seeking the Kingdom our priority?

1. Obeying The Command For Us To Seek The Kingdom Of God

The word “seek” is in the imperative sense. It is a command from the Lord Jesus for us to make it a priority to seek the kingdom of God. Seeking His kingdom is not a matter of choice. It is a straight-forward matter of obeying His command.

2. Making It A Continuing Endeavour To Seek The Kingdom Of God

It is also a command to continue seeking the kingdom of God. It has been more than two months since the Youth Conference ended, are you still seeking the kingdom of God as your priority? Have we grown deeper in our understanding of the Kingdom of God?

The Promise Of God’s Blessings

“… and all these things shall be added to you.”
Matthew 6:33

The Lord has also given us the promise of His blessings. If we were to diligently seek Him and His kingdom first, His blessings will be upon us. When we seek His kingdom and His righteousness, we will receive mercy from Him. We will inherit the earth. We will see God for who He is. We will have great rewards in heaven. Let’s exercise faith in seeking the Lord and His righteousness as our priority in life. The Lord will keep His promise by blessing us richly.

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