by Pastor Mitch
March 15, 2009

Excited About Family Camp 2009

There is an excitement in the air as we look forward to Family Camp 2009. I personally am thrilled about this year’s theme, which is “Obtained an inheritance”. Not only will we be studying about the meaning of the word “inheritance”, we will also learn what it means to be part of the family of God. This concept of inheritance is indeed deep and multi-faceted and I am looking forward to learning about this. There is so much that we can discover about the inheritance of God. Let’s be excited about what we can learn at family camp.

The Lord’s Glorious Inheritance Found In The Saints

“What are the riches of the glory of His inheritance in the saints” 
Ephesians 1:18

Paul wrote in his epistle to the Ephesians of the great riches of God’s glorious inheritance found in His saints. It is truly a fascinating truth that God considers us as His inheritance. Not only are we His inheritance, we are meant to be glorious too. The word “saints” means “holy ones”. We are meant to be a people who are holy in both God’s and man’s sight. We are meant to be different from the world. Let’s truly seek to discover the Lord’s glorious inheritance in us.

Praying For Spiritual Enlightenment

“Making mention of you in prayers: that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the Father of glory, may give to you the spirit of wisdom and revelation in the knowledge of Him, the eyes of your understanding being enlightened” 
Ephesians 1:16-18

In order to understand the glories of His inheritance found in us, we need spiritual understanding. The apostle Paul prayed for the Ephesian Church that they may have spiritual comprehension. We need to pray to the Father of glory that He may fill us with His Spirit so that we may have wisdom and discernment as we grow in the knowledge of God. As the Spirit of God fills us, He will enlighten us to the hope of our calling and especially the depths of understanding of His inheritance in the saints. Young people, let’s start praying for those coming for camp that they may be enlightened to this truth. Let’s pray for the non-believing campers that the light of the gospel will shine in their hearts.

A Deeper Appreciation In Being God’s People

As we seek to pray for understanding with regards to the Lord’s inheritance in the saints, may we go deeper in our appreciation for being part of God’s people. It is indeed a great honor to be part of His family. May we never take this for granted. Let’s enjoy further what it means to be His saints. Let’s seek to draw closer as God’s people. Let’s be the kind of people that God our Father meant us to be.

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