by Pastor Mitch
April 13, 2008

The Things That Paul Avoided As He Ministered

People can serve the Lord for the wrong reasons. They can minister and share the gospel for selfish and sinful reasons. The apostle Paul knew that ministry could be open to such abuse when the hearts of people were not pure. As he and his team preached the gospel and ministered to the Thessalonians, there were a few things that they consciously avoided. As we serve the Lord and share the gospel, it would do us well to shun them too. What are they?

1. The Use Of Flattery

“For neither at any time did we use flattering words, as you know” 
1 Thessalonians 2:5

When Paul and team spoke the gospel to the Thessalonians, they totally avoided the use of flattery. They did not cajole them with sweet words. They did not use smooth words to win their favour. The Thessalonians could see this for themselves.

2. Having Covetous Desires

“Nor a cloak of covetousness”
1 Thessalonians 2:5

They also did not use ministry as a means to gain money. People could minister on the pretext of greed. They could be seen as ministering but their actual goal is to gain financially. Paul and team did not hide under a cloak of covetousness.

3. Seeking Glory From Men

“Not did we seek glory from men, either from you or from others” 
1 Thessalonians 2:6

Furthermore, their ministry was not something they did for their own glory. They did not minister to gain the praises and honour of men. They consciously ministered and preached the gospel just so that they could please God.

4. Making Demands On Others

“When we might have made demands as apostles of Christ.” 
1 Thessalonians 2:6

Last but not least, they did not abuse their positions as servants of God by making demands on the people. They did not take advantage of the people as they served.

Having A High Consciousness Of The Omniscience Of God

Paul and team could serve the Lord without wrong motives because they were fully aware of God’s omniscience. They knew that ultimately, the Lord knows the hearts of men and He will test their hearts. They sought to serve only to please Him. Young people, let’s also have this consciousness of the Lord even as we serve. Let’s not serve for the wrong reasons. Let’s seek to serve the Lord with a right heart.

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