14 January 2024

2024年1月至14日早晨崇拜会 : “撒种的比喻(石头地)”

2024年1月至14日早晨崇拜会 : “撒种的比喻(石头地)”
Text: 马太福音13:3-9,20-21

2024年1月至2月证道主题 : “天国的比喻”

Message Notes


1. 新的证道系列 –“天国的比喻”

a. 学习主耶稣所教导的天国的比喻
b. 成为主耶稣的门徒(学生)
c. 更深地理解上帝天国的真理并从中找到喜乐

2. 我们今天的焦点 – “撒种的比喻(石头地)” 《马太福音13》



1. 撒种的比喻

a. 一个撒种的出去撒种
b. 撒种的那一位撒种子是为了结实
c. 四个不同的地
i. 路旁
ii. 石头地
iii. 荆棘地
iv. 好土地 –只有好土地才会结实!

2. 撒种的比喻蕴含深刻的教训

a. 撒种的那一位
i. 这指的是人子 《马太福音13:37》
ii. 主耶稣被比喻为撒种的
b. 种子
i. 种子来自撒种的那一位(主耶稣)
ii. 种子是天国的话语《马太福音13:19a》
c. 四个不同的地
i. 四个不同的地代表一个人听到和接受天国话语(种子)的不同方式
ii. 撒种的比喻教导我们深渊的属灵教训 – 当一个人正确地领受上帝的话语时,他的生命将结出许多果实



1. 石头地

a. 有落在土浅石头地上 《马太福音13:5-6》
i. 土既不深
ii. 虽然发苗最快,但是因为土浅所以没有扎根
iii. 日头出来一晒就枯干了
iv. 因为苗没有根来维持


b. 主耶稣教导的更深属灵教训 《马太福音13:20-21》
i. 天国的话语可以被聆听和理解
ii. 领受主话语的人甚至感到欢喜
iii. 不过,若人对主的话语并没有真实的信心 (种子没有扎根)
iv. 后果是无法以信心面对人生中的挫折和困难 (信心如同被枯干的苗)


2. 寻求和培养真实信心的责任

a. 上帝的话语
i. 我们必须明确地理解
ii. 通过理解,我们能够培养真实的信心
b. 正确地回应上帝的话语
i. 心中有欢喜并不代表上帝的话语在我们的心中生根,并且培养出真实的信心
ii. 我们的挑战是通过上帝的话语寻求和培养真实的信心
iii. 这是所有聆听上帝的话语者的个人责任
c. 信心的真实
i. 真实的信心能够使我们承受生命中的挑战
ii. 缺乏真实的信心会导致我们无法克服生命中的挑战



1. 向上帝的话语正确地做反应

a. 聆听上帝的话语而感到欢喜并不足够
b. 我们必须要理解上帝的话语
c. 我们必须有真实信心的反应

2. 生命中的挑战

a. 缺乏信心会使我们无法克服生命中的挑战
b. 在主里的真实信心会使我们能够坚定地面对困难

3. 我们的鼓励

a. 通过上帝的话语找到真实信心
b. 通过上帝的话语继续地加强这真实信心

Jan-Feb Pulpit Series – “The Kingdom Parables”
Message Title : “The Parable Of The Sower (Wayside)” 14 Jan 2024
Text: Matthew 13:3-9, 18-19


1. New Pulpit Series – “The Kingdom Parables”

a. To study the Kingdom Parables that the Lord Jesus taught
b. To be disciples (learners) of the Lord Jesus
c. To find joy in understanding the deeper truths of the Kingdom of God

2. Our focus today – “The Parable Of The Sower (Wayside)” Matthew 13


1. An Overview

a. A Sower went out to sow
b. Seeds were sown by the Sower, so that crops would be yielded
c. 4 grounds mentioned
i. Wayside
ii. Stony places
iii. Thorny ground
iv. Good ground – only the good ground yielded crops!

2. Deep spiritual lessons contained in the Parable of the Sower

a. The Sower
i. This is a reference to the Son of Man Matthew 13:37
ii. The Lord Jesus is likened to a Sower who sows seed
b. The Seed
i. The Seed comes from the Sower (the Lord Jesus)
ii. The Seed is the Word of the kingdom Matthew 13:19a
c. The 4 types of ground
i. The 4 types of ground represent the different ways in which one hears and receives the Word (Seed)
ii. The Parable of the Sower teaches us deep spiritual lessons about the how the Word of God when received correctly will bear much fruit


1. The Wayside Ground

a. Some seed fell by the wayside Matthew 13:4
i. Birds came
ii. Seed devoured
iii. There would be no crop yielded
b. The deeper spiritual lesson that the Lord Jesus was teaching Matthew 13:19
i. The Word of the kingdom may be heard
ii. But when there is no effort taken to understand the Word correctly and fully
iii. The wicked one can come and snatch away the Word from the heart (make it of no effect)

2. The challenge for all to hear and understand the Word correctly

a. Hearing the Word of God
i. This is good and wonderful
ii. However, it does not stop at hearing only
b. Understanding the Word of God correctly
i. This is needed and of great importance
ii. Many do not take the effort to ensure correct understanding of the Word of God
iii. Many assume understanding or settle for limited understanding
c. Spiritual warfare
i. The wicked will be able to snatch the Word that was sown when there is no understanding
ii. There would be no effect / impact in our lives
iii. It would be as if the Word was not received


1. The Word of God

a. It is the Word of the Kingdom
b. It has been lovingly given to us
c. It can do a wonderful work in our lives

2. Our challenge

a. To know that we have an enemy that seeks to make the Word of God of no effect in our lives
b. To hear
c. To understand
i. With diligence on our part
ii. With prayer for God to grant spiritual understanding
cf. Colossians 1:9