19 July 2020

Sunday School Special : Lesson 17

Sunday School Special : Lesson 17
Text: Matthew 19:16-26; Mark 10:17-32; Luke 18:18-30 Matthew 19:27-29; 20:1-16

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Sunday School Special

Message Notes


TEXTS: Matthew 19:16-26; Mark 10:17-32; Luke 18:18-30
Matthew 19:27-29; 20:1-16


1. The Conversation of a rich young ruler with the Lord Jesus Christ

a) This was recorded in the Synoptic Gospels
b) The Conversation between the rich ruler and the Lord Jesus
c) Description of the young ruler:
i) He was called “a ruler” (Luke 18:18)
ii) He was described as a young man (Matthew 19:20)
ii) He was described as very rich (Luke 18:23)
d) A couple of other good features
i) He ran to see the Lord Jesus (Mark 10:17a)
ii) He knelt before Him (Mark 10:17b)
e) The rich young ruler raised a question
“Good Teacher, what shall I do that I may inherit eternal life?” Mark 10:17c
f) Jesus engaged him in this discussion
The Lord loved this young man (Mark 10:21)
i) He was sincere
ii) He was humble
iii) He was keen
iv) He was earnest 
v) He had been keeping the laws of God carefully
g) A challenge from the Lord Jesus Christ
i) One thing you lack
ii) Sell whatever you have and give to the poor
iii) And you will have treasure in heaven
iv) And come, take up your cross and follow Me (Mark 10:21)
h) The rich young ruler went away sorrowful (Mark 10:22a)
i) He could not give up his riches
ii) He had great possessions (Mark 10:22b)

2. A remark of the Lord Jesus

a) How hard it is for those who have riches to enter into the kingdom of God! (Mark 10:23)
b) Children, how hard it is for those who trust in riches to enter the kingdom of God! (Mark 10:24)


1. The disciples of the Lord Jesus

“Who then can be saved?” Matthew 19:25

The reply of the Lord Jesus

“With men this is impossible,
But with God all things are possible” Matthew 19:26

2. The disciple Peter

a) See, we have left all and followed You.
b) Therefore, what shall we have? (Matthew 19:27)

3. The short answer

The Lord will reward (Matthew 19:28-29)


Matthew 20:1-16

1. Another Parable of the Kingdom of Heaven (Matthew 20:1)

2. It was spoken to Peter and the other Disciples


1. The Hiring of Workers

a) Part One: Early in the morning
(Jewish time: 1st hour of the day is 7.00am
They observed a 12-hour work day)
i) A landowner went out to search for labourers for his vineyard
ii) The labourers agreed on the payment of one denarius a day
iii) They went to work in his vineyard
b) Part Two: The 3rd hour of the day
i) This would be 9.00am
ii) The owner still went out to look for labourers
iii) He saw some of them had not been hired
iv) He offered them work
v) He would pay them “whatever is right” (Matthew 20:4)
c) Part Three: The 6th hour of the day
i) This would be 12.00nn
ii) They were hired on the same basis (Matthew 20:4)
d) Part Four: The 9th hour of the day
i) This would be 3.00pm
ii) They were still offered a job
e) Part Five: The 11th hour of the day
i) This would be 5.00pm
ii) They were still hired
iii) “Whatever is right you will receive” (Matthew 20:7)

2. The Payment of the workers

a) The labourers were called
b) Order:
i) The last batch 
ii) The first batch
c) Those who worked at the 11th hour
They were given 1 denarius
d) The first batch of workers
i) They supposed they would receive more
ii) They also received one denariusMatthew 20:10

3. The Complaint of the first batch of workers

a) The last men have served only one hour
b) You made them equal to us who have borne the burden
and the heat of the day (Matthew 20:12)

4. The reply of the landowner

a) Friend, I am doing you no wrong (Matthew 20:13a)
b) Did you not agree with me for a denarius? (Matthew 20:13b)
c) Take what is yours and go your way (Matthew 20:14a)
d) I wish to give to this last man the same as you (Matthew 20:14b)
e) Is it not lawful for me to do what I wish with my own things? (Matthew 20:15a)
f) Or is your eye evil because I am good? (Matthew 20:15b)


So the last will be first, and the first last.
For many are called, but few chosen. Matthew 20:16

1. To Peter and all the other Disciples

a) A word of warning 
i) Concerning the heart
ii) The attitude
iii) The eye that can be quite evil
b) The danger is very real
i) The first may be last
We may begin well but end badly
ii) The last may be first
We may start late but we can end well

2. Many called to serve

But few are proven to be among “the chosen”

a) Calling is an invitation
b) Chosen:
i) Grateful just to be called to serve
ii) Right heart and spirit
iii) No complaining spirit