12 September 2021

Sunday Message for the Bilingual Brethren - 12 September 2021 : Abundant Mercy

Sunday Message for the Bilingual Brethren - 12 September 2021 : Abundant Mercy
Text: 1 Peter 1:3

Rev Mark Tan
Blessed be God

Message Notes


1. Amidst all the challenges and sufferings of life, we can learn to bless God.

2. Being an older person in this pandemic

a. We may have all kinds of fears
b. Some may be worried about getting the virus

3. Can we still learn to bless the Lord? The answer is “Yes!”

4. The Apostle Peter learned to bless the Lord for His abundant mercy

“Blessed be the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, who according to His abundant mercy has begotten us again…”   1 Peter 1:3


1. The use of “abundant”   (1 Peter 1:3)

a. Peter used the word “abundant” to describe “mercy”
b. This was the kind of mercy that came from God

2. What was his reason for using “abundant”?

a. It was personal to Peter
b. It described what Peter had experienced


1. Before salvation

a. Introduction to the Lord Jesus   (John 1:40-42)
i. Andrew, Peter’s brother, introduced him to the Lord Jesus
ii. The Lord Jesus gave him a special name, Cephas
b. Healing of Peter’s mother-in-law   (Luke 4:38-39)
i. Jesus mercifully healed her
ii. No response of faith from Peter
c. Expressions of mercy
i. Patience
ii. Kindness

2. At salvation

a. A special miracle shown   (Luke 5:1-8)
i. A disappointing night of fishing
ii. Jesus told Peter to launch their nets into the deep   (Luke 5:4)
iii. A special miracle…Jesus filled their nets with fish
iv. Peter humbly realizing Jesus as Lord
“When Simon Peter saw it, he fell down at Jesus’ knees, saying, “Depart from me, for I am a sinful man, O Lord!”   Luke 5:8
b. An invitation to follow   (Luke 5:10-11)
i. Jesus told Peter not to be afraid
“And Jesus said to Simon, “Do not be afraid. From now on you will catch men.”   Luke 5:10
ii. He would become a fisher of men
iii. Mercy shown in inviting Peter to follow Him
c. Expressions of mercy
i. Forgiveness
ii. Grace

3. After salvation

a. Peter’s denial of the Lord Jesus
i. Jesus warned Peter that he would deny Him three times   (Matt 26:34, 35)
ii. But Peter ignored what Jesus said
iii. He denied the Lord three times and was devastated   (Matt 26:69-75)
iv. He failed as he was not able to stand up for his faith
b. The restoration of Peter    (John 21)
i. The Lord showed great mercy in seeking Peter and restoring him
ii. He fellowshipped with Peter and his friends
iii. He invited him to feed His sheep and to follow Him
c. Expression of mercy
i. Faithfulness
ii. Love


1. Appreciate the abundant mercy that has been given to us

2. As seen throughout our life

a. Before salvation
b. At salvation
c. After salvation

3. Every reason to bless the Lord