17 October 2021

Sunday Message for the Bilingual Brethren - 17 October 2021 : “Whom having not seen you love”

Sunday Message for the Bilingual Brethren - 17 October 2021 : “Whom having not seen you love”
Text: Peter 1:8

Rev Eugene Seow
Blessed be God

Message Notes


1. Theme for Sep-Oct 2021 Pulpit series – Blessed be God

a. Some reasons why we want to bless the Lord
b. Our part to fulfil alongside blessing God

2. Today’s focus – Subject of loving the Lord

a. One of the best things to do alongside blessing God – love
b. We want to learn how we can love the Lord Jesus
c. The apostle Peter – a wonderful example of loving the Lord Jesus
i. He did not begin with a love for the Lord Jesus   (John 1:40-42)
ii. But he grew to love the Lord Jesus in a very special way


1. We begin with learning about the Lord’s love for us

a. The Lord loves each one of us very much
b. We need to learn about His love in order to love Him in return

2. What Peter learned about the Lord’s love

a. The Lord’s love in giving salvation   (John 3:16-17)
i. God’s love – for the whole world
ii. The greatest expression of His love – He gave His only begotten Son
iii. The result of His great act of love – We can believe in Him and be saved for everlasting life
b. The Lord Jesus’ love in caring for His people   (John 10:1-16)
i. He knows each one intimately
ii. He protects them from danger
iii. He provides for them
iv. He would even sacrifice His life for the sake of His sheep


1. We need to personally experience the Lord’s love as well

a. It is not enough to learn about His love theoretically
b. It must be personally experienced so that His love would become real to us

2. Peter also personally experienced the Lord’s love

a. The Lord Jesus’ love for him and the other disciples   (John 13:1)
i. He loved them at the beginning
ii. He loved them to the end
b. A memorable experience of His love  (John 13:2-17)
i. He was having His Last Supper with His disciples
ii. In the middle of the supper, He began to wash His disciples’ feet
iii. His washing of feet represented His cleansing of their daily sins
iv. It also served as a lesson on humility to practise with one another
v. This act of love must have been a deeply moving one for the disciples!


1. We must respond to the Lord’s love with love

a. If we have learned and personally experienced His love
b. Loving Him in return would be the most appropriate response!

2. How Peter learned to love the Lord Jesus in response

a. He learned that loving the Lord is not an emotional response
i. When the Lord Jesus told him he would deny Him three times, Peter vehemently declared he would never deny Him   (Mark 14:27-31)
ii. Sadly, he failed to do what he claimed – he denied the Lord Jesus three times as predicted    (Mark 14:66-72)
b. He learned that loving the Lord is about keeping His word   (John 14:21, 23)
i. If anyone says he truly loves the Lord
ii. He must know His word and keep His word
iii. This is the proof of one’s love for the Lord!


1. Let us learn to love the Lord as His people

a. For all the blessings He has given to us
b. It is right and appropriate that we love Him!

2. We can learn to love Him well when we

a. Learn about His love for us
b. Personally experience His love
c. Responding in love by keeping His word

3. May we learn to love Him as our Lord and Saviour!