07 May 2006

And you shall be called the prophet of the Highest

And you shall be called the prophet of the Highest
Text: Text : Luke 1:76-80

“More Than a Prophet”

Message Notes

(I) The High Purpose of the Lord

1. Great potential

“And you, child,” Luke 1 :76

2. Given a special destiny

“Will be called” Luke 1:76

3. God’s prophet

“The Prophet of the Highest;” Luke 1:76

a. Distinct title

b. Divine role

c. Determined role

(II) The multifaceted purpose of the Lord

1. To prepare the people for the Lord’s coming

“For you will go before the face of the Lord to prepare His ways,: Luke 1:76

2. To provide knowledge of salvation

“To give knowledge of salvation to His people” Luke 1:77

3. To pass on the light of the Lord

“To give light to those who sit in darkness and the shadow of death,” Luke 1:79

4. To point the way of peace

“To guide our feet into the way of peace.” Luke 1:79

(III) The means of fulfilling His purpose

While the Lord gave these purposes for John, He also provided the means by which they would be done.

1. Clearing of sins

“By the remission of their sins,” Luke 1:77

2. Mercies of God

“Through the tender mercy of our God,” Luke 1:78

3. Visitation of the Lord

“With which the Dayspring from on high has visited us;” Luke 1:78

(IV) Working towards fulfilling our purpose

1. Personal Growth

“So the child grew…” Luke 1:79

2. Powerful spirit

“And became strong in spirit,” Luke 1:79

3. Persistent focus

“And was in the deserts till the day of his manifestation to Israel.” Luke 1:79

God-Given Drive

There’s a difference between drive and driven,

The one is selfish, the other God-given,

For the driven men has but one goal-

Just worldly wealth and not riches of soul…

And daily he’s spurred on to reach and attain

A higher position, more profit and gain.

Ambition and wealth become his great needs

As daily he’s driven by avarice and greed…

But most blessed are they who use their drive

To work with zeal so all men may survive,

For while they forfeit great person gain,

Their work and their zeal never in vain

For they contribute to the whole human race,

And cannot survive without growing in grace…

So help us, dear God, to choose between

The driving forces that rule our routine

So we may make our purpose and goal

Not power and wealth but the growth of our souls…

And give us strength and drive and desire

To raise our standards and ethics higher, So all of us and not just a few

May live on earth as You want us to.

– Helen Steiner Rice –