28 July 2024

Sunday Worship 28 July 2024 : For the work to which I have called them

Sunday Worship 28 July 2024 : For the work to which I have called them
Text: Acts 13-14

Rev Moses Kwek
The hand of the Lord was with them

Message Notes


1. The ministry to the Jews

a. Many believed and the Church grew   (Acts 2:41, 4:4)
b. The hand of the Lord acknowledged   (Acts 11:21)

2. The ministry to the Gentiles

a. Peter was given the privilege to bring Cornelius (Gentile) to faith   (Acts 10)
b. The Jerusalem Church came to accept that God had granted salvation to the Gentiles   (Acts 11)
c. But the work of reaching the Gentiles did not yet take off


1. The leading of the Holy Spirit   (Acts 13:1-3)

a. It came to the prophets and teachers in the Church of Antioch
b. The Holy Spirit spoke
i. As they ministered to the Lord
ii. And fasted (prayed)

2. The calling of Barnabas and Paul (Saul) for the work

a. Both Barnabas and Paul
i. Proven to be effective teachers   (Acts 11:25-26 )
ii. Proven to be faithful   (Acts 11:27-30, Acts 12:25)
b. Some things not fully understood
i. The reasons for choosing Paul (listed last among the leaders)
ii. The exact work that God was calling them to do

3. Sending Barnabas and Paul out

a. Prayerfully with the blessing of the Church
b. Exercising faith and obedience to the leading of the Holy Spirit


1. Going to the Jews

a. Barnabas and Paul focused on the Jews as they went out
b. They preached the Word of God in the synagogue of the Jews   (Acts 13:5)

2. A significant Gentile conversion   (Acts 13:6-11)

a. The hand of the Lord led Sergius Paulus to faith
i. The proconsul
ii. An intelligent man
b. The hand of the Lord that came against Elymas
i. Because he sought to turn the proconsul away from the faith
ii. He was made blind for a time
c. Yet the significance of this conversion was not fully discerned by Barnabas and Paul at this point

3. Turning to the Gentiles   (Acts 13:13-52)

a. Strong contrasting responses to the Gospel in Antioch (Pisidia)
i. The multitudes of Gentiles who came and believed
ii. The Jews that kept opposing
b. A major turning point
i. The hand of the Lord in pointing them to the Gentiles was now clear
ii. This was in fulfilment of God’s Word concerning Paul   (Acts 9:15-16)
iii. They would henceforth turn to the Gentiles as their focus


1. Challenges faced in ministering to the Gentiles   (Acts 14)

a. Wrong ideas (minds being poisoned)   (Acts 14:1-2)
b. Physical and violent persecution   (Acts 14:4-5)
c. False religions / gods   (Acts 14:11-12)

2. Being committed to the work of God

a. The Gentile ministry that God had called them to
i. There was now clarity and understanding
ii. There was continued faith and trust in the hand of the Lord
b. Commitment expressed
i. Speaking boldly in the Lord despite persecution   (Acts 14:3, 7)
ii. Enduring hardship and suffering   (Acts 14:19-20)
iii. Returning to the different cities to strengthen the disciples   (Acts 14:21-22)


1. Going back to Antioch   (Acts 14:26-28)

2. A report was given concerning all that God had done

a. Sergius Paulus and many Gentiles coming to faith   (Acts 13:12, 48)
b. The Lord’s hand bearing witness as they ministered   (Acts 14:3)
c. Churches built with elders appointed   (Acts 14:22-23)

3. The work of reaching the Gentiles

a. The initial phase of the work was complete   (Acts 14:26)
b. God had opened the door of faith to the Gentiles   (Acts 14:27)
c. The work of reaching the Gentiles would continue


1. The hand of the Lord

a. It will lead
b. It will strengthen and sustain
c. It will bring about success

2. Our part

a. To seek and discern
b. To exercise faith and trust
c. To be committed to that which God has called us to