17 July 2017
A Meditation
A Meditation
Text: Psalm 8
- Speaker:
- Rev. Dr. Charles Tan
- Series:
- Psalm
Message Notes
A Psalm of David
1. Meditation
a) A personal practice of David
b) A positive spiritual activity
i) Psalm 4:4
ii) Psalm 5:1
2. What is done in Meditation?
a) Thinking about the LORD (Psalm 8:1a)
b) Dwelling on His name (Psalm 8:1b)
c) Pondering the glory of God (Psalm 8:1c)
3. Meditating on God’s creation of man (Psalm 8:2)
a) Babes
b) Nursing infants
4. God’s Glorious plans seen and appreciated
a) You have ordained strength (Psalm 8:3)
b) That you may silence
i) The enemy
ii) The avenger (Psalm 8:3)
5. The Context of his Meditation
a) God also made the heavens
b) The heavens- the work of His fingers (Psalm 8:4)
i) The moon
ii) The stars
iii) All have been ordained (appointed)
6. What is Man?
a) Man/ Son of Man (Psalm 8:5)
b) Lower than the angels (Psalm 8:5)
c) Crowned with glory and honour (Psalm 8:5)
d) Given him dominion over all creatures (Psalm 8:6-8)
i) Sheep
ii) Oxen
iii) Beasts of the field
iv) Birds of the air
v) Fish of the sea
7. Conclusion of Meditation
a) O LORD, our LORD
b) How excellent is Your name in all the earth! (Psalm 8:9)