03 February 2019

SSS4 : Epistle to the Romans : Lesson 93

SSS4 : Epistle to the Romans : Lesson 93
Text: Romans 15:1-5

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Epistle to the Romans

Message Notes


1. The strong
They ought to bear with the scruples of the weak (Romans 15:1)

2. Pleasing the neighbour (Romans 15:2)

a) Not pandering
b) But mindful of the scruples of the weak
c) Seeking “to please”
i) For his good
ii) Leading toward his edification

3. The Example of the Lord Jesus Christ (Romans 15:3)

a) He did not seek to please Himself

b) He bore all reproaches for His Father (Romans 15:4)

c) A glorious example par excellence

4. The written Scriptures (Romans 15:5)

a) They were written for our learning
b) To teach us invaluable lessons
i) Patience/ perseverance
ii) Comfort
iii) To give us hope
c) The challenge is to have a proper regard for the Scriptures

5. God’s role (Romans 15:5)

a) The God of patience and comfort
b) May He grant you
i) To be like-minded to one another
ii) According to Christ Jesus
c) With one mind and one mouth glorify the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ
d) Our part?
i) To cultivate a Christ-like mindset
ii) So that we can bear one another’s scruples