30 October 2022

Senior Sunday School 4 : Psalms Book 2 : Psalm 54 : 30th October 2022

Senior Sunday School 4 : Psalms Book 2 : Psalm 54 : 30th October 2022
Text: Psalm 54

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Psalms Book 2

Message Notes

SSS 4 30 October 2022
Book 2
Psalms 42-72

Text: Psalm 54

To the Chief Musician. With stringed instruments. A Contemplation of David when the Ziphites went and said to Saul, “Is David not hiding with us?”
1 Save me, O God, by Your name,
And vindicate me by Your strength.

2 Hear my prayer, O God;
Give ear to the words of my mouth.

3 For strangers have risen up against me,
And oppressors have sought after my life;
They have not set God before them. Selah

4 Behold, God is my helper;
The Lord is with those who uphold my life.

5 He will repay my enemies for their evil.
Cut them off in Your truth.

6 I will freely sacrifice to You;
I will praise Your name, O LORD, for it is good.

7 For He has delivered me out of all trouble;
And my eye has seen its desire upon my enemies.

Psalm 54:1-7


1. Who were the Ziphites?

a) They were residents of a city called Ziph
b) It had land that was close to a wilderness
c) Ziph was a town that belonged to Judah Joshua 15:24a
d) There was a hill and a wilderness near the town

2. 1 Samuel 23

a) On one occasion, David stayed in the wilderness of Ziph
b) The Ziphites informed King Saul about David’s presence with them
c) King Saul praised them for their support 1 Samuel 23:15-29
d) Saul went on to encircle David and would have captured him
e) A report of an attack of the Philistines caused Saul to withdraw his troops
f) Psalm 54 was written in reflection of this event

3. 1 Samuel 26

a) Saul once again pursued David in the wilderness of Ziph
b) David stole into Saul’s camp and took his spear and jar
c) David could have slain Saul
d) He refused to touch “The LORD’s anointed” 1 Samuel 26:11


1 Save me, O God, by Your name,
And vindicate me by Your strength.

2 Hear my prayer, O God;
Give ear to the words of my mouth.

Psalm 54:1-2

1. A prayer for deliverance

“By Your name”

Psalm 54:1a

2. A prayer for vindication

“By Your strength”

Psalm 54:1b

3. A plea for the prayer to be heard by God

4. Nothing is taken for granted


For strangers have risen up against me,
And oppressors have sought after my life;
They have not set God before them. Selah

Psalm 54:3

1. Strangers and oppressors

2. These words were used to describe King Saul and his troops

a) They were not technically “strangers”
b) But they were “oppressors”
c) Oppressors are likened to “strangers”


4 Behold, God is my helper;
The Lord is with those who uphold my life.

5 He will repay my enemies for their evil.
Cut them off in Your truth.

6 I will freely sacrifice to You;
I will praise Your name, O LORD, for it is good.

7 For He has delivered me out of all trouble;
And my eye has seen its desire upon my enemies.

Psalm 54:4-7

1. God as “Helper”

2. He is there

a) Not just with David
b) But also, with those who have upheld his life
c) David’s quiet confidence

3. God’s attitude and action against the evil enemies

a) He will requite their evil ways!
b) David prays that the enemies would be “cut off”

4. Worship of the LORD

a) Freely sacrifice to God
b) Praise will be given to God’s good name
c) In reflection:
i) God had indeed delivered David out of his troubles
ii) David saw how the evil enemies came to a bad end