18 August 2012
A Challenging Prophecy of the Messiah
A Challenging Prophecy of the Messiah
Text: Isaiah 11
- Series:
- YPG Messages Archive
A Challenging Prophecy of the Messiah
Text: Isaiah 11
- Series:
- YPG Messages Archive
Message Notes
1. A difficult historical context
a) A Rod from the stem of Jesse Isaiah 11:la
b) A Branch shall grow out of his roots Isaiah 11:1b
2. A brief history of the house of David
a) Jesse- father
b) David
c) Solomon – Prayed for wisdom and he became a very wise king.
d) Rehoboam (Divided Kingdom)
e) Mixture of good and bad kings
f) Davidic dynasty ended with the reign of King Zedeklah 2 Chronicles 36:11-14
g) Jerusalem fell to the Babylonians 2 Chronicles 36
3. Isaiah’s prophetic ministry He ministered in the reigns of 4 kings
a) Uzziah 2 Chronicles 26
i) Good beginning
ii) Became arrogant at the end
iii) Was struck with leprosy
b) Jotham 2 Chronicles 27
i) Good king
ii) Bad subjects
c) Ahaz 2 Chronicles 28
i) Bad all the way
ii) Problem-filled reign
d) Hezekiah 2 Chronicles 29-32
i) Good reign
ii) Poor ending
4. Post-Isaiah era
a) Manasseh 2 Chronicles 33
i) Evil king
ii) Repentance at the end
b) Josiah 2 Chronicles 34-35
i) Good king
ii) Killed in battle unfortunately
c) Jehoahaz 2 Chronicles 36:1-4
i) He reigned only 3 months
ii) Deposed by Egypt
d) Jeholakim 2 Chronicle 36:5-8
i) 11 year reign
ii) He did evil in the sight of the Lord
iii) Captured and deported to Babylon
e) Jeholachin 2 Chronicles 36:9-10
i) Became king at 8 years old i
i) Reigned only 3 months and 10 days Zedekiah 2 Chronicles 36:11-14
i) Reigned 11 years
ii) He did evil
iii) Davidic dynasty ended with Zedekiah
“There shall come forth a Rod from the stem of Jesse, and a Branch shall grow out of his roots”
Isaiah 11:1