09 April 2011
The Coming of the Antichrist
The Coming of the Antichrist
Text: Thessalonians 2:3-4; Daniel 7-9
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- YPG Messages Archive
Message Notes
Let no one deceive you by any means, for that Day will not come unless the falling away comes first, and the man of sin is revealed, the son of perdition, Who opposes and exalts himself above all that is called God or that is worshipped, so that he sits himself as God in the temple of God, showing himself that he is God.
1. Danger of Deception
Once again this is highlighted!
2. That Day
Reference to the Second Advent of the Lord Jesus Christ.
3. An important Sign
a) A special revelation
b) Revelation of the Antichrist
i) The man of sin
ii) The son of perdition
c) He will oppose God and all He stands for
d) lie will pose as God Himself in the temple
4. Prophecy concerning the Antichrist Daniel 7-9
a) Prophecy in a historical context
b) Prophecy of the 4 major world empires
i) Babylon (Lion with eagles’ wings Daniel 7:4)
ii) Medo-Persia (Bear Daniel 7:5; Ram with two horns Daniel 8:3)
iii) Greece (Leopard with four heads and four wings Daniel 7:6; Male Goat with strong horn Daniel 8:5-8)
iv) Rome (Iron teeth beast with ten horns Daniel 7:7-8)
c) The Antichrist symbolized
i) Antiochus Epiphanes reign in Palestine Daniel 8:9-14
ii) Desecration of the Temple Daniel 8:9-12
iii) Destruction of the Temple Daniel 9:2 7. The Symbol of the 70 weeks
a) Symbol of 70 weeks Daniel 9:24
b) 69 weeks have since passed Daniel 9:25
i) The Messiah was cut off after 62 weeks
ii) Period of time from Christ to the present day 7 weeks
c) 70th week Daniel 9:25-26
i) Called the period of Great Tribulation
ii) This is with special reference to Israel
iii) Reference of Daniel is certainly related to Israel Daniel 9:24