23 February 2013

The Testimony of the Messiah Concerning His Calling

The Testimony of the Messiah Concerning His Calling
Text: Isaiah 49

YPG Messages Archive

Message Notes


1. God’s calling

a) Called from His mother’s womb      Isaiah 49:1b (Cf. Luke 1:31)

b) Made mention of My name            Isaiah 49:1c (Cf. Luke 1:31) .

2. God’s equipping

a) He has made my mouth like a sharp sword       Isaiah 49:2a

b) He has hidden Me in the shadow of His hand        Isaiah 49:2b

i) Protection

ii) Kept under He was ready for public ministry

c) And made Me a polished shaft          Isaiah 49:2c

3. God’s Mission for the Messiah-Servant

a) Formed to be God’s Servant          Isaiah 49:5b

b) To bring Jacob back to God         Isaiah 49:5c

c) To gather Israel back together           Isaiah 49:5d

4. Drawing on God’s

a) Promises

b) Glory             Isaiah 49:5e (Power to do glorious miracles)

c) Strength           Isaiah 49:5f


Isaiah 49: 6-10

1. His ministry to Israel by itself is “too small”          Isaiah 49:6a-c

2. He will have an expanded ministry- to Gentiles        Isaiah 49:8d-e

3. He knows that the Messiah-Servant’s ministry would not be accepted by all

a) Some would despise Him         Isaiah 49:7b

b) Some abhor Him         Isaiah 49:7c

4. He gives special assurance

a) Royalty will worship him           Isaiah 49:7d

b) The Messiah-Servant is indeed God’s Chosen One           Isaiah 49:7e

c) He will preserve Him        Isaiah 49:8c

d) He will be Covenant to His people        Isaiah 49:8d

e) He will restore the earth         Isaiah 49:8e

f) He will cause His people to inherit the earth         Isaiah 49:8f

g) He will speak with authority to those who are imprisoned           Isaiah 49:8g

h) Those who are His flock will be well-looked after           Isaiah 49:9-10

Appropriate Response              Isaiah 49:11

1. Sing, O heavens

2. Be joyful, O earth

3. Break out in singing, O mountains

4. Reason:

a) The LORD has comforted His people

b) He will show mercy to the afflicted


Listen, O coastlands, to Me,

And take heed, you peoples from afar!

The LORD has called Me from the womb

From the matrix of My mother He has made mention of My name
Isaiah 49:1