12 December 2013

"I Can Do All Things through Christ"

Message Notes


1. He is Master and Lord Philippians 1:1-2; 2:11; 3:8 (We are His bondservants)

2. He is full of affection (compassion) Philippians 1:8 (Matthew 9:36)

3. He is able to help us produce fruits of righteousness Philippians 1:11 (John 15)

4. He is the heart of the Gospel message Philippians 1:15-18

5. There is abundant joy to be found in Christ Philippians 1:25-26

6. He is worth suffering for Philippians 1:29

7. There is consolation in Christ Philippians 2:1

8. The glorious example of Christ and His mindset Philippians 2:5-11

“I have learned …” Philippians 4:10-12
“I can do all things through Christ…” Philippians 4:13

1. Much depends on our part in learning

2. How well we learn makes a huge difference

3. Many lessons to be learned:-

a) Learning to be bondservants of Christ Philippians 1:1

b) Learning to be more prayerful Philippians 1:9-11

c) Learning to pray for maturity in faith and life Philippians 1:9-11

i) Love to abound more and more

ii) Knowledge

iii) Discernment

iv) Sincere

v) Without offense

vi) Filled with fruits of righteousness

d) Learning to magnify Christ Philippians 1:20

e) Learning to live for Christ Philippians 1:21

f) Learning to progress in our faith Philippians 1:26a

g) Learning to find joy in faith Philippians 1:26b

h) Learning to have a conduct worthy of the Gospel Philippians 1:27

i) Learning to stand fast in one spirit together Philippians 1:28a

j) Learning to strive together for the faith of the Gospel Philippians 1:28b

k) Learning to suffer for the Lord Philippians 1:29

l) Learning to become like-minded Philippians 2:1-4

m) Rejecting negative inclinations

i) Selfish ambition

ii) Conceit

iii) Self-interest

n) Cultivating positive inclinations

i) Consolation in Christ

ii) Comfort of love

iii) Fellowship of the Spirit

iv) Affection

v) Mercy

o) Learning to have the Mind of Christ Philippians 2:5-11

p) Learning to work out salvation with fear and trembling Philippians 2:12-13

q) Learning to do things without complaining and disputing Philippians 2:14

r) Learning to be blameless and harmless children of God Philippians 2:15

s) Learning to shine as lights for the Lord in a crooked and perverse world Philippians 2:16

t) Learning to beware of false teachers Philippians 3:2, 18-19

u) Learning to appreciate the excellency of knowledge of Christ Philippians 3:8

v) Learning to respond to the upward call of God Philippians 3:3-15


1. Doctrine of God’s Calling

a) Much has been taught

b) But how much has been learned?

2. A quick Review of the Topics of the Evening Devotions

a) An Upward Call

b) According to our personal expectations

c) The Mind of Christ

d) No One Like-minded

e) I Can Do All things through Christ

3. Vital Questions we must ask ourselves

a) Have we understood God’s Calling?

b) How should we respond to His Call?