27 July 2024

Youth Worship 27th July 2024 : The Altar of Incense

Youth Worship 27th July 2024 : The Altar of Incense
Text: Exodus 30:1-10; 34-38

Rev Jonathan Jacob
Focus on Faith

Message Notes


Message Outline
Exodus 30:1-10; 34-38

Focus: The Altar of Incense


1 You shall make an altar to burn incense on; you shall make it of acacia wood. 2 A cubit shall be its length and a cubit its width—it shall be square—and two cubits shall be its height. Its horns shall be of one piece with it. 3 And you shall overlay its top, its sides all around, and its horns with pure gold; and you shall make for it a molding of gold all around. 4 Two gold rings you shall make for it, under the molding on both its sides. You shall place them on its two sides, and they will be holders for the poles with which to bear it. 5 You shall make the poles of acacia wood, and overlay them with gold. 6 And you shall put it before the veil that is before the ark of the Testimony, before the mercy seat that is over the Testimony, where I will meet with you.

Exodus 30:1-6

1. Another altar was to be made

a) Instructions to make an altar of burnt offering had been given (Exodus 27:1-8)
i. Altar of burnt offering
(α) Acacia wood was the material to be used
(β) Dimensions stated (5 cubits by 5 cubits by 3 cubits)
(γ) Four horns were to be included on its four corners
(δ) Overlaid with bronze
(ε) Made hollow with boards
ii. Utensils to be made
(α) Pans, shovels, basins, forks, firepans
(β) These were to be made of bronze
iii. Grate
(α) Network of bronze
(β) Four bronze rings at its four corners
(γ) Placed under the rim of the altar beneath
(δ) Network was to be midway up the altar
iv. Poles
(α) Made of acacia wood and overlaid with bronze
(β) Used to bear the altar
b) A second altar in the sanctuary was to be made (Exodus 30:1-6)

2. God had stipulated that the purpose for this altar was to burn incense on

a) Incense represented prayer
i. The high priest engaged in the ministry of intercession for God’s blessings on the people
ii. He offered prayers to God on behalf of an entire nation
b) This was the symbolic significance of incense

3. God had prescribed how it was to be made

a) It was to be made from acacia wood
b) Its dimensions
i. Its length was a cubit
ii. Its width was a cubit
iii. Its height was two cubits
c) Additional features
i. Horns which were to be of one piece with the altar
ii. A molding of gold all around
iii. Two gold rings on its two sides
iv. Poles of acacia wood overlaid with gold
d) Its place in the Sanctuary
i. Before the veil that was before the ark of the Testimony
ii. Before the mercy seat that was over the Testimony, where God will meet with Moses


1. Burning of incense

7 Aaron shall burn on it sweet incense every morning; when he tends the lamps, he shall burn incense on it. 8 And when Aaron lights the lamps at twilight, he shall burn incense on it, a perpetual incense before the LORD throughout your generations. 9 You shall not offer strange incense on it, or a burnt offering, or a grain offering; nor shall you pour a drink offering on it.

Exodus 30:7-9

a) Aaron shall burn on the altar of incense sweet incense twice a day
i. Every morning when he tends the lamps
ii. At twilight when Aaron lights the lamps
b) This will be a perpetual incense
i. Before the LORD
ii. Throughout Moses’ generations
c) Warnings given to Aaron
i. Strange incense shall never be offered on it (cf. Leviticus 10)
ii. No other offerings are allowed on it
(α) Burnt offering
(β) Grain offering
(γ) Drink offering

2. Making atonement

And Aaron shall make atonement upon its horns once a year with the blood of the sin offering of atonement; once a year he shall make atonement upon it throughout your generations. It is most holy to the LORD.

Exodus 30:10

a) Upon the horns of the altar of incense once a year
b) Atonement was made with the blood of the sin offering (cf. Leviticus 16:19)
i. To cleanse it
ii. To consecrate it
iii. Because of the uncleanness of the children of Israel
c) This shall be done throughout Moses’ generations
d) This is most holy to the LORD


34 And the LORD said to Moses: “Take sweet spices, stacte and onycha and galbanum, and pure frankincense with these sweet spices; there shall be equal amounts of each. 35 You shall make of these an incense, a compound according to the art of the perfumer, salted, pure, and holy.
36 And you shall beat some of it very fine, and put some of it before the Testimony in the tabernacle of meeting where I will meet with you. It shall be most holy to you. 37 But as for the incense which you shall make, you shall not make any for yourselves, according to its composition. It shall be to you holy for the LORD. 38 Whoever makes any like it, to smell it, he shall be cut off from his people.”

Exodus 30:34-38)


1. It was to be composed of equal amounts of each

a) Sweet spices
i. Stacte
ii. Onycha
iii. Galbanum
b) Pure frankincense

2. Making the compound

a) These were meant to become a mixture
b) They were to be mixed according to the art of the perfumer
c) The compound described
i. Salted
ii. Pure
iii. Holy

3. Application

a) Some of this mixture was to be beaten till it was very fine
b) Moses was to put some of it before the Testimony
i. In the tabernacle of meeting
ii. Where God will meet with him
c) This shall be most holy to Moses

4. Prohibition

a) The people shall not make any of this incense for themselves
b) The people needed to learn that this incense was holy to the Lord
c) Severe consequence for not obeying God
i. Whoever makes any like it, to smell it
ii. He shall be cut off from his people



23 Also there were many priests, because they were prevented by death from continuing. 24 But He, because He continues forever, has an unchangeable priesthood. 25 Therefore He is also able to save to the uttermost those who come to God through Him, since He always lives to make intercession for them. 26 For such a High Priest was fitting for us, who is holy, harmless, undefiled, separate from sinners, and has become higher than the heavens; 27 who does not need daily, as those high priests, to offer up sacrifices, first for His own sins and then for the people’s, for this He did once for all when He offered up Himself.

Hebrews 7:23-27

1. He intercedes for us

a) Aaron prayed for the people but his ministry would end with death
b) The Lord Jesus always lives to make intercession
i. He prays8s for those who come to God through Him

2. He made atonement for our sins

a) Aaron had to offer up sacrifices first for his own sins and then for the people’s
b) The Lord Jesus atoned for our sins
i. Once for all
ii. He offered up Himself


1. Appreciate the ministry of the Lord Jesus as our Great High Priest

a) He intercedes for us
b) He made atonement for us

2. Let us be more prayerful

a) To consider that He is our Great High Priest
b) To come to God through Him that we might be saved and have our sins atoned for