28 August 2021

Youth Worship 28th August 2021 : "God is with you in all that you do”

Youth Worship 28th August 2021 : "God is with you in all that you do”
Text: Genesis 21:22-34

Rev Dr Charles Tan
Focus on Faith – Genesis

Message Notes


Scripture Text: Genesis 21:22-34

Message: “God is with you in all that you do” Pastor Charles Tan


1. The Practice of Reviewing

a) A common and good practice in school
It is called “Revision”
b) A good practice when we read the Scriptures

2. What should we review

a) Abraham in Gerar Genesis 20
b) Relationship between Abimelech and Abraham Genesis 20
i) Bad start of the relationship
ii) Abraham’s deception and lie
iii) Abimelech’s capture of Sarah
c) Relationship
i) Relationship repaired with a gift from Abimelech Genesis 20:14
ii) Permission given to Abraham to dwell in Gerar Genesis 20:15
iii) Abraham prayed for Abimelech Genesis 20:17a
iv) God heard his prayer Genesis 20:17b


1. Abimelech and his commander Phichol

a) They approached Abraham
b) They made a significant remark
“God is with you in all that you do” Genesis 21:22

2. They wanted to make a treaty with Abraham
Three elements were highlighted:

a) It would involve an oath before God
“Now therefore, swear to me by God” Genesis 21:23a
b) No false dealings
“That you will not deal falsely with me,
with my offspring, or with my posterity” Genesis 21:23b
c) Kindness to be practised
“But that according to the kindness that
I have done to you, you will do to me
And to the land in which you have dwelt” Genesis 21:23C

3. Response of Abraham

a) In full agreement
b) Commitment made
“I will swear” Genesis 21:24
c) This was an oral commitment on both sides


1. Abraham approached Abimelech with a solemn charge

a) Seizing of a well by Abimelech’s servants Genesis 21:25a
b) This well was Abraham’s
c) Seizure would be breaking the treaty

2. Abimelech’s word to Abraham

a) He pleaded ignorance
b) His reply to Abraham
i) “I do not know who has done this thing” Genesis 21:26a
ii) “You did not tell me” Genesis 21:26b
iii) “Nor had I heard of it until today” Genesis 21:26c


1. A covenant made between Abraham and Abimelech was formalised

2. An elaborate ceremony was planned by Abraham

a) Gift of sheep and oxen
i) Sheep and oxen given by Abraham Genesis 21:27
ii) The Covenant was established
b) Setting aside seven ewe lambs Genesis 21:28
c) The question of Abimelech
“What is the meaning of these seven ewe lambs
which you have set by themselves” Genesis 21:29
d) Explanation of Abraham
i) The seven ewe lambs are “witnesses” (symbolic)
ii) Abraham had indeed dug the well Genesis 21:30

3. Beersheba

a) The Covenant was made in Beersheba Genesis 21:31
b) Meaning: “The Well of the Oath”

4. Abimelech and Phichol returned to
the land of the Philistines Genesis 21:32


1. In worship

2. In prayer

“Called on the name of the LORD, the Everlasting God” Genesis 21:33

3. He stayed in Beersheba for many days Genesis 21:34


1. Practising of our faith and being blessed by God

a) God’s blessings will be very real
b) They could also be noticeable Psalm 1

2. Praying and calling on the Lord

a) Knowing His name
b) Calling on God

3. Perseverance

a) Learning as we go
b) Growing as we learn